100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本――伝統と近代性の融合 Japan - an amalgamation of tradition and modernity


Not so much. I guess this trip has reconfirmed my impression of Japan as a place where culture and traditions, and modern technology and advancement blend harmoniously together that reflects in the everyday life of theJapanese people. Take the small cities of Omachi and Azumino that I visited for example.


The JR-EAST is representative of advancement of Japan, while the way the stations were designed reflects how the Japanese society still values culture and tradition amidst such development. The shinano-omachi station and hotaka station that I have visited are designed such that it gives a very cosy traditional Japanese feeling while being able to cater to basic needs of a train station like a warm waiting room and clean toilets, as well as storage lockers.



Apart from this, the hotels that I stayed in (KAI Alps & KAI Matsumoto) also reflect very well on the balance of tradition and modernity in the Japanese everyday lives. The traditional ryokan rooms were carefully designed to display traditional Japanese living styles through the usage of traditional furniture and décor, yet satisfying modern needs through the use of technology for more efficient and convenient living through the use of various technologies like heater, heated carpeted floors and also the oh-so-Japanese toilet seats. Personally, I feel that these are things that perhaps some people take for granted here, but really, is very uniquely Japan.

The toilet seat is especially so, and reflects a great deal about the politeness and innovation of the Japanese people. Being polite is a basic in the Japanese culture, and having had invented such a creation shows just how there is a balance between new and old; technology and tradition. This is really impressive, given how many countries and cities in the world are usually on the two extremes.

IMG_9414 私はまた、日本人の生活に正確さがどれほど浸透しているかを、特に食と交通の面で目の当たりにしました。食事では毎回、食べ始める前に料理の写真を撮らなければなりませんでした。どれも美しくて目を楽しませてくれるものだったからです。食事は大抵、丁寧に選ばれたもので、多くは旬のものや土地の名物などでした。そして選り抜きの器に盛りつけられ、とても魅力的な見た目をしていました。私は食べるのが遅いほうですが、普段よりも更にゆっくりだったと思います。なぜなら食べ始める前にたくさん写真を撮らなければならなかったからです (笑)。

I also managed to witness how the precision is weaved into the everyday lives of the Japanese people, especially in terms of food culture and transportation. Before the start of every meal, I always had to take pictures of my food before eating, as they were all so aesthetically pleasing. Food was often carefully selected, many of which seasonal and unique to the place, and chosen utensils and dishes were then matched to create a picture that appeals much to the diner. I am already quite a slow eater, but I think I appeared to be even slower as usual because there was too many pictures I had to take before I could even start eating, haha!

それから交通機関も、日々の生活に見られる日本の几帳面さを表していました。電車やバスの時間や時刻表は、分刻み (もしくは秒刻み) まで本当に正確でした。きっちり時間どおりでした。それから、時刻表はすべてウェブ上で見られるようになっていました。それは乗客の利便性を考えてのことです。これには本当に感激しました。私の知っている他のどの場所でも、そんなことは不可能でした。


Transportation, on the other hand, also showed the Japanese precision in everyday lives. All the timings and schedules of trains and buses were so précised – down to every minute (or perhaps even seconds), and they were very on time. Also, all these schedules are made available online, which means they have been planned ahead for the convenience of users. This is really impressive to me, because nowhere else that I know of is capable of doing the same. On a side note, this also shows how stressful it can be, regardless of being the ones who made sure all these were on time or the ones who rush to meet these timings. However, this remains as impressive as it can be to me, and would be one of the greatest images when thinking about Japan.


On a larger scale, perhaps how the traditional cultural places like shrines and castles, natural landscapes like rivers and mountains and modern buildings come together to create a uniquely Japanese scenery reflects on how this country is an amalgamation of tradition and modern.


一人旅 ― 独創的で思い出に残る自分らしい旅 Solo travelling – a unique and memorable journey of your own


初日は特に怖かったです。電車に乗り遅れたり迷子になったりするのではないかと心配でした。そんなことになれば界 アルプスへの到着がすごく遅れてしまいます。冬の寒い夜に、そんなことが起きたら最悪です。長くて疲れる移動のあとで、宿で休みたいと思わない人がいるでしょうか?少なくとも私は休みたいです! (笑)

6時間とちょっと飛行機に乗って成田空港へ到着した私は急いで2本の電車を乗り継ぎ、その後バスとタクシーに乗ってようやくホテルにたどり着きました。結果的にはすべてがスムーズにいきました。界 アルプスの皆さんに温かく迎えられて、自分が心配しすぎていたことが分かりました。私は迷子にはならず、乗り遅れたりもしませんでした!

There are many memorable incidents that happened in this trip, but I think all these experiences boil down to the big part of travelling alone. This is the first time I have travelled alone, and to be honest, I was a little bit scared initially, fearing of possibilities of getting lost or encountering dangers that is made worse by the foreign land that I am in and also, foreign language that I am only able to comprehend a small amount of.

The first day here was especially terrifying for me, as I got worried about how I might miss train rides or get lost, meaning I would get to KAI Alps really late. This is surely not the best that can happen on a cold winter night. I mean, who wouldn’t want a shelter over their heads after a long and tiring journey? Not me, at least, haha!

Upon arrival at Narita Airport after a bit more than a six-hour flight, I rushed for two train rides, one bus ride and a taxi ride before finally arriving at the hotel. Everything went smoothly eventually, and as I was greeted with the warm welcome of the staff at KAI Alps, I knew I had been thinking too much – I did not get lost nor miss any rides!


Similarly, when I visited Jigokudani Yaen Koen, I was stressed, again, by the precised timings of the bus and train rides, especially so when the buses only came on an average of an hour intervals, so missing one would mean a long delay in my planned itinerary. Since winter days are very short, an hour in the day actually means a lot for travelling. However, as once again, everything went smoothly and I managed to get to Kanbayashi Onsen in about two hours, where I then walked 30-40 minutes to get to the park. I stayed in the park for about two hours watching the monkeys and taking pictures.


When I just arrived, there was a little bit of snow in the area. However, the snow started to get heavier as it went on and I got wet after some time in the outdoors. Having had no umbrella with me, I only relied on my beanie to protect my head from the snow and my down jacket to keep me warm in the cold weather. However, my equipment was clearly insufficient and my hair started to get frozen with snow and ice after some time and my coat got wet after snowmelts seeped into it. It was not the best that could happen in the outdoors on an extremely cold day.

そこで私は、長野に戻る戻って雪をしのげる場所を探してマヌケな格好から着替えようと思い、公苑から歩き始めました。山の麓まで来た時、私は反射的に左 (正しい道) ではなく右へ曲がりました。しばらく歩いてから、自分が大雪の中で人気のない道にいることに気づきました。その時は本当に恐ろしかったですが、すぐに道を間違えたことに気づいて引き返しました。幸運なことに、標識をたどってしばらく行くと目指すバス停にたどり着きました。そして長野行きのバスに乗る前に雪をしのげる場所を探しました。

I then make my way down from the park while intending to get back to Nagano to seek shelter and refresh my tardy look from the snow. When I arrived at the bottom of the mountains, I instinctively turned right instead of left (the correct way) and walked for some distance to see no one on the streets amidst the pouring snow. It was really daunting for me, but I quickly realized that I could have gone the wrong way and made a u-turn. Luckily, I managed to get to the bus stop after a while of following signages, and sought shelter before I boarded the bus to Nagano.


All these ‘scary’ experiences would not have been possible if not for solo travelling. Having a travel partner to go through anything foreign and new definitely makes things less daunting wince there is someone you can rely on and keep you company whenever and wherever. However, solo travelling means you are all alone by yourself and there is no one to help you unless you ask, of which exists another problem of communication. Being forced to step out of your comfort zone and experience things that are unique to yourself makes this whole purpose of travelling alone really meaningful, and of which brings a lot of memorable incidents and experiences.

IMG_9409もっと軽い話題に変えると、界 アルプスでの餅つきも楽しかったです。そこではもち作りを体験しました。界 松本では、日本の伝統工芸の体験会ではコースターを作りましたが、それも楽しかったです。
界 アルプスへは遅れて到着したので、私が食事前に餅つきを体験できるように夕食を特別に遅らせてくれました。初めての経験だったので本当に思い出に残りました。それから、宿のスタッフのメグミさんが私を呼びだして他の宿泊客の前でモチをつかせてくれました。私は1人だったので、他のお客さんたちのように写真を撮るのを手伝ってくれる人がいませんでした。その時、1人のお客さんが写真を撮るのを手伝ってくれました。とても感謝しています。

宿のスタッフの多くは英語がそんなに上手ではありませんでしたが、使えるものなら何でも使って一生懸命説明してくれました。そんな彼らの勇気にとても感激しました。私自身も外国語を習っているので、自分の限られた知識を駆使してネイティブと話すのは時にとても恐ろしいことだと知っています。これも界 松本での例ですが、スタッフは本当に一生懸命に日本の物事について説明しようとしてくれました。また私が質問した時にも一生懸命に答えてくれました。

On a lighter note, I also enjoyed the mochi-making session at KAI Alps where I got to experience how to make mocha and Japanese traditional craft session at KAI Matsumoto where I made coasters. As I had arrived rather late at KAI Alps, dinner had been specially arranged for me to be later so that I can experience the mochi-making first. It was really memorable because it was my first time doing something like that. Also, the host staff Megumi, specially called me up to try pounding the mocha in front of all the other guests. As I was alone, no one could help me take photos like the other guests. One of the guests then volunteered to help me, which I am very thankful of. Many of the staff could not speak English very well, but they tried their best to explain to me using whatever they could. I was very touched by their courage to do so, since having learnt a new language myself, I know it can be very intimidating to speak using the limited knowledge that you have to speak to someone who speaks that language natively. Similarly, this was also the case in KAI Matsumoto, where the staff members tried their very best in introducing Japanese things to me or when answering any questions that I had.

界 松本での工芸品制作体験はもう一つの忘れられない思い出です。これも初めての経験でしたし、宿のスタッフのユウコさんとたくさんお話しすることができたからです。私たちはお互いの国と文化について教え合いました。これは一人旅のもう一つの魅力だと思います。なぜなら自分を安全地帯から追い出して地元の人たちと交流し、一人でなければ気づかなかったであろう美を発見できるからです。これらの体験をしながらおしゃべりをして写真を撮ってくれる仲間と一緒に旅をすることもできたでしょう。でもその場合は、地元の人と交流したり、彼らから日本について何かを学んだりする機会を逃してしまったかもしれません。旅を通して友達になり世界を1つにしようというこのプロジェクトの目的は、ここでは果たされたと思います。私の考えでは、本当に意義のあることだと思います。

 The craft-making session a KAI Matsumoto was another memorable experience, because again, it was my first time doing it and also, I managed to have a long conversation with Yuko, the host staff there, where we exchanged information about our own countries and cultures. I think this is another charm of travelling alone, because you are forced out of your comfort zone to interact with the locals and discovery beauty that you may not be able to while travelling with a company. I could have had a company to take pictures for me and to talk to while doing all these activities, which might have led me to miss the opportunity to interact with locals and learn more about anything Japanese from them. Indeed, the purpose of this project of bringing the world together as friends through travelling has been true here, and is one that is really meaningful in my opinion.


日本人の手振りについて Japanese hand gestures




If I had to choose something that I feel is most Japanese about, it would definitely be the very unique hand gestures. In my Japanese language classes in school, I learnt about the various hand gestures that Japanese use to express certain things. During this trip, I finally got to see people gesturing for real, instead of just reading about it, and it is so unique that it is ‘oh-so-Japanese!’ in my opinion. For example, the ‘shark hand’, as some call it, where people put their hand in front of their heads stroking up and down while saying sumimasen as they make their way through a crowd is definitely a uniquely Japanese gesture. Gesturing is an important part of the Japanese culture, and this gesture is reflective of such and cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. I find this gesture really cute, but also very efficient way to display politeness of the Japanese culture. Another gesture I find interesting is how people sway their hand in a left-right motion in front of their nose when saying ‘no’ or ‘it’s okay’. This is another unique one that is none like others in the world.


熱心で真摯な女性たち Passionate and sincere ladies


There are two people I have met that I would like to mention here: Megumi and Yuko. Both Megumi and Yuko are staff members of Hoshino Resorts, and were the ones who took care of me during my stay in the two hotels.

IMG_9413メグミさんは界 アルプスのスタッフで、ホテル滞在中に私のお世話をしてくれた人です。彼女は陽気で明るい女性で、熱心に私と日本文化の話をしてくれましたし、新しい人と知り合うことが好きなようでした。長旅の後だったので、初日にこのようにあたたかい人柄の素敵な人と出会えたことは、とても幸運でした。ホテル到着が遅い時間だったので、夕食の時間も、それに合わせて遅くしてくれました。それにより、夕食の途中で席を立たなければならなかったので、餅つきの過程を全部見ることができませんでした。メグミさんは「3つの味の中でどれを食べてみたいですか」ときいてくれました。おすすめを尋ねたところ、3つとも味見させてくれるとのことでした。

彼女がこのような提案をしてくれて、とても嬉しかったです。というのも私は、特に見知らぬ土地においては、新しいもの (この場合は食べ物) に挑戦することが好きだからです。また夕食の間、彼女はとても熱心に全ての食べ物の説明をしてくれ、私の質問にも辛抱強く答えてくれました。彼女はとても真摯な女性で、出会えて嬉しかったです。

Megumi is a staff at KAI Alps, who has taken care of me for the night I was at the hotel. She is a bubbly and cheerful lady, who was very passionate about sharing the Japanese culture with me and very keen to make new friends. It was very nice to have met such a nice person with such a warm personality on the first day of the trip, especially after a long journey. As I arrived rather late at the hotel, dinner was accommodated for me to be late too. As a result, I couldn’t witness the whole mochi-making process as I had to leave for dinner halfway through. Megumi asked which flavour I wanted to try out of three flavours. I merely asked which one she recommended, and she immediately promised that she will let me try all three flavours. I was really happy that she arranged that for me because I always like to try new things (food in this case) especially in a new place. Also, she was very enthusiastic in introducing all the food during dinner and was very patient with my questions. She is a very sincere lady whom I had the pleasure to meet.

IMG_9519ユウコさんは界 松本のスタッフです。彼女はメグミさん同様、そこのホテル滞在中に私のお世話をしてくれました。彼女はとても親切で快活な女性で、外国人訪問客に日本の様々なことを紹介することに熱心でした。どうして英語の勉強をしているのですかと尋ねたところ、彼女は、外国人の訪問客が日本について学んだり造詣を深めたりすることを手助けしたいからだ、と答えてくれました。私は彼女の心持ちにとても感銘を受けました。


Next, Yuko is a staff at KAI Matsumoto. Like Megumi, she has taken care of me for the time I was at the hotel. She is a very helpful and bubbly lady who is passionate about introducing anything about Japan to foreign visitors. When I asked her why she was interested in learning English, she said that she wanted to be able to help foreign tourists learn and understand more about Japan. I really admire her spirit because having learnt a new language myself, I know how it is really difficult to persevere and ultimately muster the courage to speak to someone who is native in the language. We had a really long conversation throughout the time when she guided me to make the Japanese wooden coasters, and I really liked how we were exchanging information about ourselves and our countries.


What really touched me was how she eventually left me a letter and some information booklets on touring in Matsumoto city in the morning that I was leaving, since it was her off day, as I was telling her how I intended to visit the Matsumoto castle and walk around the area after checking out of the hotel. It was very heartwarming to see how she was really sincere in helping tourists know more about her country. It was definitely a very nice thing to see first thing in the morning even before I had my breakfast. It’s my pleasure having met her as well.






It is very difficult to think of something that I dislike about this trip, because it has been more amazing than anything else. If I really had to say something, it would have to be how there isn’t my loved ones around to share my experiences on the spot. I could share pictures and videos with them, but it might have been more amazing if they were around to witness things for themselves too. This is not to say that I dislike travelling alone, though!


IMG_9522このテレコムWi-Fi ルーターのおかげで、旅行中に私の体験を友人や家族と共有することができ、感謝しています。接続も早く、エリアも広域でした。そしてまた、バッテリーが1日中もったので、一人でいても、愛する仲間たちとつながっているのだと感じることができました。

Thankful for this Telecom Wi-fi router that allows me to share my experiences during this trip with my friends and family. Very fast and wide connection services! Also, the battery can last throughout the whole day, ensuring that I stay connected with my loved ones while being alone here.


The JR East pass made travelling in this trip much more convenient and efficient. This picture was taken on Narita Express, which took me from Narita Airport to Tokyo station, where I transferred to the shinkansen towards Nagano.

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