100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

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真っ白な日本 Japan in white

IMG_20150113_105843-e1421632515132 冬に日本を旅するのは初めてです。以前、学校の夏休みを利用して、夏に日本を訪ねました。香港はもっと暖かいですが、北海道はとても寒いです。旅の間、少し寒さが辛かったですが、景色が素晴らしかったので耐える価値はありました。本物の積もった雪と空から降る雪を見たのは初めてでした!この美しい白銀の世界は香港では絶対に見られません。この景色を味わえて嬉しかったです!北海道では雪が見られるとは思っていましたが、こんなに積もっているなんて信じられません!雪に一歩足を踏み入れると、脚が半分なくなったみたい。日本は私の中で最も美しい場所の1つになりました。香港には美しい自然があまりないので、他の地域の美しい自然をもっと訪ねようと思います。

It is my first time of visiting Japan in winter. I went to Japan in summer because I was having my school summer holidays. It is very cold in Hokkaido whereas Hong Kong is much warmer. I felt a bit uncomfortable during the trip but it was worthy because the scenery is gorgeous. It was my first time of seeing the real snow and snowflakes! This beautiful, silver and white scenery can never be seen in Hong Kong. I was glad to see this scenery! Although I expected there is snow in Hokkaido, I cannot believe the level of snow was that much! Half of legs looks like disappeared when I was stepping into the snow. Japan now becomes one of the most beautiful places in my mind. I may visit more to explore its nature beauty in other areas as the nature beauty is not much in Hong Kong.


素敵な場所の幸福駅とミナミナビーチ Nice place of koufuku station and Mina Mina beach


I went to Obihiro in day 2 of my trip. The aim was visiting Koufuku station and eating pork rice which is very famous in Obihiro. I took a bus in Obihiro and it took about an hour to reach the Koufuku bus station. The scenery is beautiful and this station is meaningful as Koufuku means happiness, joy, peace and hope in Chinese. It is a station which is fulling of blessing. I felt like recharge and morw hopeful in the future after I visited there.


I went to Mina Mina Beach. It is an indoor swimming pool.It is cool to swim with snow outside the building. Although I am not very good at swimming, I swam for a while and enjoy the moment. At 00 and 30 of every hour, there are wave sections. I had a great fun there as it likes a real beach by the seaside.


星と雪の露天風呂 Hot spring with stars and snow flakes


I had gone to kirin no yu at night. It is my first time having hot spring in the outdoor area! It was cold when I was walking out.Then, the warm water make me feel comfort. I saw lots of stars in the sky although some of them were covered bt clouds.The view was pretty cool.After about 5 minutes, I noticed that there was snow falling from the sky.It was awesome! Although I had hot spring in Taiwan in the past. It was also in winter. I had never experienced snow with the hot spring as Taiwan is a warm place. It is very romantic of having snow with the hot spring.


優しく親切な日本人 Nice, kind and helpful Japanese

DSC_0264 帯広にいる間、バスターミナルへ走っていてケガをしました。床の氷が見えていなかったのです。滑って指にケガをしました。私の指から血が出ているのを見て、年配の日本人女性がやって来て、大丈夫かと日本語で尋ねてくれました。言葉が分からなかったので、日本語は分からないと言いました。すると彼女は「OK?」と言いながら、私を地面から起こして近くのベンチに座らせてくれました。ベンチに座ると、彼女は絆創膏をくれ、それをキズの上に貼るように身振り手振りで教えてくれました。Thank you very much と言うと、彼女はただ微笑みました。それを見て私は母を思い出し、目に涙が浮びました。立ち去る時に、彼女はティッシュペーパーをくれました。彼女は「バイバイ」と言い、私もそれに応えました。そして彼女はベンチを去りました。

On the day I was in Obihiro, I get hurt because I was running to the bus terminal and I didn’t see that is some ice on the floor. I slipped and got hurt on my knuckles. When I was bleeding, an old Japanese woman came to me and used Japanese to ask me whether I am alright. I did not understand what she is saying so I told her I don’t know Japanese. Then she asked “OK? ” and helped me to get off from the ground to a bench nearby. After we sat on the bench, she gave me some plaster and used some body language to let me know to put that on my wound. I said thank you very much to her and she just smile at me. It makes me think of my mother and I got some tears in my eyes. Finally, she needed to go and give and a tissue paper. She said bye bye and I replied. Then she left the bench.



The weather is extremely cold in Tomamu when comparing with Hong Kong. I used to have a warmer weather in Hong Kong. So, I felt a bit uncomfortable because of the weather. The average temperature in Hong Kong in winter is about 12°c.This is the reason why I may not get with the cold weather in Tomamu with a temperature of -4°c. However, the beautiful scenery and snow helped me to forget the chilling weather here!



 It is my first time taking domestic flight as Hong Kong is too small. The view during the flight is so pretty and I saw Fuiji mountain!

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