100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本や日本人はただ良いというだけでなく、最高です! Japan and Japanese are not only good but also the best!


At beginning, I think Japan is a very beautiful place and Japanese is so kind and polite. Totally, my feeling to Japan and Japanese is good. After my 3-day tourism, it’s changed! It’s changed from good to the best. The road of every city is straight and all the Japanese buildings are fascinating. And the polite of Japanese exceed my imagination. Each Japanese I had eye contact with on the road will nod to me. If I have some questions to ask, they will answer me explicitly. particularly, the employee of Hoshino Resort helped me the most. So, I love Japan more after this trip.



親切な従業員! A kind employee!


I  plan to visit the Goshikinuma . It’s winter day and there are some many snow in Urabandai area. When I arrived at the Goshikinuma, I have no idea to get into it. Fortunately, I saw a girl and ask her. She said that I can’t get into it because I didn’t have appropriate equipment to walk in such snowy place. She tell me that I can rent it at this tourist center. She helped me so much. Finally, she walked into the tourist center. She is the employee here. She made me to finish this hiking. I thank for her very much!


日本のホテル - 界 川治 Japanese hotel-kai kawaji

056最初のホテルをチェックアウトし、次の宿泊地である 川治へ行くまでには長い時間がかかりました。


I check out from my first hotel, I take a lot of time to go to the next resort – kai kawaji. It’s a beautiful hotel, all of the furniture here is in Japanese style. I can see a wonderful view outside just sitting ina lobby. I can feel released absolutely to live here. And there is a table with a quilt in a room! I only can see such this things in Japanese comic books! And the Yugata we wear also catch my eyes! what a japanese style life! When I see all theae things, I’m very happy, because it’s indeed a Japanese trip! It’s so Japanese!



親切な日本人。 A kind Japanese.


I  went to a small town, Kitakata. I walked into a store and there is a grandma. She is very kind and passionate to introduce lots of things to us. When she knows that I foreigners form Taiwan, she open one door which is back of us suddenly. Wow! It’s a very old and historical living room. She talked about the history of it. Although I can’t understand what did her say(because I am not good at Japanese), but I can felt that grandma is proud of this old building. It’s my expressive experience !




In fact, I love everything that I met in my tourism. If I need to say one thing I don’t like. I think it’s nado. In this Japsn trip, I want to try lots of Japanese food. At first,I think I can accept this flavor, but I’m wrong. I can’t stand this flavor! So nado rice may be the thing that I dislike.



09テレコムスクエアのWi-fiのおかげです。使用方法が簡単で、充電がきれても交換できる替えのバッテリーがありました。それに加えて、成田空港のサービスセンターの従業員は親切です。私のスケジュールと交通の時刻表をTelecom Wi-fiのおかげで検索できます。もしこれがなかったら、そのような観光はできないでしょう!

Thank for Telecom Square’s Wi-fi device. It’s very easy to use and there is a extra battery for me to change when it’s out of energy. Besides, the employee of service center in Narita Airport is kind. I can search for my schedule and traffic timetable by wifi device. If I don’t have this, I can’t have such a good tourism!

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