100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本人は地球市民(グローバル感覚を持った住民)のよう! Japanese as global citizens (residents had a global sense)!


Before this trip, I thought Japanese people are shy and serious, sometimes they may struggle to communicate in English. Even though my Japanese friend tells me that English is taught in junior high school and there are thousands of English conversation schools all over the country, the level of English among Japanese citizens remain low.


しかし日本に着いた初日に熱海では、界 熱海の仲居さんほとんどがとても流暢な英語を話すので、私が日本語を全く話せないにも関わらず、何の問題もなく旅行が出来ることに本当に驚きました。星野リゾートの人たちは、年輩のスタッフでさえ、皆流暢な英語を洗練された気持ちの良い態度で話します。

However, when I arrived in Japan for the first day. I was so shocked that in Atami that many of the waitress in Kai Atami speak English pretty fluently and I had no problem for traveling without any skill of Japanese. People here, even those old staffs of Hoshino Resort all speak fluent English with elegant and nice attitudes.



I like the personality of the Japanese students as well. They are pretty cool, very hard working and most of them looks very educated and really behave themselves like global citizens.


最高のサービス Best Service

03MOA美術館で学校の傘をなくしました。その時期熱海ではたくさん雨が降ったのでちょっと心配でした。その後私はホテルにいた女性にこの出来事を話しました。とても驚いたことに、リゾナーレ 熱海の人がMOA美術館の事務所に連絡し、傘を界 箱根に直接送ってくれたのです。

I lost my school umbrella when I was in MOA Art Gallery. I was kind of worry since it rained a lot in Atami during that time. Then I told this incidents to the girl who were in the hotel. To my great surprise, the people in Jan Resonare Atami contacted the MOA office and sent the umbrella directly to the Kai Hakone.

その晩、リゾナーレ 熱海では、ツリーハウスやライトトンネルを見せてくれました。 箱根のスタッフはイベントを用意し、特別なデザートでもてなしてくれました。

In that evening, Jan Resonare also showed us the tree house and light tunnel. The staffs of Kai Hakone even prepare event made special dessert for us as greetings.

02 熱海は、華麗な芸者のショーや日本の遊びを見せてくれ、素晴らしかったです。お茶屋(ティーハウス)で本物の芸子のディナーを経験してみたいです。お茶屋には、畳の部屋で食事がふるまわれ、かなり魅力的です。しかし、本物のお茶屋に行ってみる機会はありません。しかし、 熱海の客室内での夕食は素晴らしかったです。普通のレストランとは違い、すべての食べ物がアートのようで、整っていました。

Kai Atami offered splendid Geisha show and Japanese game, which is wonderful. I hope to experience a real geiko dinner in ochaya (tea houses). The ochaya provides tatami room where the dinner takes place which is pretty attractive. However, I do not have the chance to try the real ochaya. But the inside room dinner in Kai Atami was amazing.Unlike a regular restaurant, They made all the food like piece of art and make in order.


日本の伝統文化 The traditional culture in Japan

100 個人的に、浴衣がとても好きです。着物をカジュアルにしたようなものです。 熱海 の女の子が、浴衣は文字通りに言うと、「入浴布」という意味で、元々そのためのものだと教えてくれました。伝統的に、浴衣は共同浴場で入浴した後に着られており、素早く体を覆い、残った水分を吸収する役割を果たしていました。

Personally, I really like yukata. It is like a casual version of the kimono. The girl in Kai Atami told me, Yukata literally meaned “bathing cloth”, and it was originally intended to be just that. Traditionally, the garment was worn after bathing in a communal bath, functioning as a quick way to cover the body and to absorb remaining moisture.


Then Fittingly, it is often worn in onsen towns. In particular, the garment is the typical dress code for guests at ryokan. However, recently, the yukata has also become a way of dressing for summer festivals. Increasingly more fashionable designs and paterns have surfaced to a degree that it is sometimes difficult for the untrained eye to discern between a yukata and a kimono.


It was pretty amazing for me to see so many girls were wearing Yukata in Kyoto.


素晴らしい伝統芸術家 Amazing Traditional Artists

15私が感銘を受けた、日本の伝統的な画家もたくさんいました。ジャチという名の女の子が、界 熱海で伝統的な舞を踊っていましたが、とても華やかで素敵でした。彼女は、約2年間練習したそうですが、本当に可愛らしく、上品な芸者の文化、面白い伝統的な日本の遊び、何種類かの日本の音楽(邦楽)を見せてくれました。この旅行中に習った事の幾つかを私は覚えています。


There were many traditional Japanese artists who really touched me. The girl who named Jachi, perform traditional dancing in the Kai Atami was so gorgeous and nice. She just practiced for about two years but showed me the real pretty and elegant Geisha culture, interesting traditional Japanese game and several types of Japanese music (hogaku). I memorize some of the I learned during this trip:



Ancient court music from China and Korea. It is the oldest type of Japanese, traditional music.


Music played with the Biwa, a kind of guitar with four strings.


Music played during Noh performances. It basically consists of a chorus, the Hayashi flute, the Tsuzumi drum, and other instruments.


Music played with the Koto, a type of zither with 13 strings. Later also accompanied by Shamisen and Shakuhachi.


Japanese folk songs.



It seems I spend too much time on the transportation. It’s a little bit tiring to take the bus and train all the time.Some of the local stations are kind of difficult to find, but it’s still beatiful.



“JR EAST PASS”は便利です。しかしながら、日本語力なしでは普通列車やバスの乗車には多少手こずりました。パスリストを予約するには、全国の主要空港のほとんどで入手できます。今度、あなたがJR東日本を何度も利用するのであれば、JR EAST PASSは私の1番のおすすめです。

The JR EAST PASS  is convenient. However, I did have some difficulty to take the local train or bus without any skill of Japanese. The pass book list can be got at the most of the main airports across the country.
Next time, if you takes a lot of JR-EAST then the JR EAST PASS will be my first choice.

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