100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本のおもてなし Japanese Hospitality


Since traveling to Japan I have found that my perception of Japanese culture has changed to a great degree. Growing up in the west we view Japan as hardworking and conservative nation yet after visiting Tokyo for three days and then Atami and Hakone for three days I noticed how skewed the western perception of Japan really is.


To begin, Japanese people are extremely friendly. I was lost numerous times trying to get to my destination whether that be in the train or even going from one hotel to the next but I have noticed that Japanese people are willing to go to great lengths to help the next person. They are extremely giving and unselfish and I noticed that this is engrained in their culture.


For example, within every Hoshino Resort I visited the staff always made me feel extremely comfortable greeting me and helping me if I get lost. Not only that but when I arrived they always greeted me at the door to walk me into the hotel and were always willing to help me. I have never had that experience whether in Brazil or in the U.S. The Japanese hospitality is unknown in the west.


ハルカとの出会い Meeting Haruka

01私の一つの思い出に残る経験は,リゾナーレ 熱海に着いた時で、私はスタッフの一人、ハルカに会いました。彼女はホテルのツリーハウス、日本最大のツリーハウスですが、に連れて行ってくれて、コーヒーを振舞われ、しばらくハルカとおしゃべりできました。

One memorable experience I had was when I arrived in Jan Resonare Atami and I met one of the staff, Haruka. She took me to the hotel’s tree house, Japan’s biggest tree house, where I was given coffee and was able to chat with Haruka for a while.


We talked about Japanese culture and my impression of it. I loved how willing and friendly Haruka was when we exchanged stories about her stay in her American university and me in my quick visit to Japan. Meeting Haruka simply reminded me of the amiability of the Japanese people.


 Even though we just met, she was open and willing to sit down with me to talk and make me feel comfortable within the hotel. Furthermore, within the day she checked up on me making sure I was satisfied and that I enjoyed dinner. Meeting Haruka simply reminded me of the amiability of the Japanese people.



1月の界 熱海での滞在 My stay in Jan Kai Atami

02私が滞在する機会があった三つのリゾートの中で、私は、その伝統的な雰囲気から界 熱海での滞在を楽しみました。

Out of the three resorts I had the opportunity to stay at, I enjoyed staying in Jan Kai Atami due to its traditional atmosphere. My stay in this resort will never be forgotten simply due to its traditional ambience I felt like when I stayed there I was able to embrace the Japanese culture.


 I wore the Kimono and sat in the dinner table on my knees, the formal way to sit down in Japan, and was served a variety of traditional Japanese food such as sashimi. Also the staff was extremely kind bowing their head before leaving the room and being attentive to my needs by explaining the different foods I was eating during each meal. During my stay in this resort I felt like I was truly living the Japanese culture.


アニーとの出会い Meeting Annie


The local Japanese person I met was Annie who I met in Tokyo.


I was staying in a hostel and was quite lost not knowing my way around the kitchen and I asked where to tea was located. She not only got me the tea but she asked me where I am from and I told her Brazil and how I am staying in Japan for six days but am not quite sure what all to do within those six days.


Annie sat down with me for over an hour writing down potential itineraries for me in Tokyo. She also found me a map and told me how she wanted to enjoy my stay in Japan. Her pleasing smile and accommodating personality was so reassuring during my firs day in Tokyo. Though she works part-time as a staff in the hostel she too is my age, 20, and so during the day goes to the University. Overall, Annie made me feel very welcomed in Japan.




This would have to be the most difficult question since my stay here has been absolutely terrific, but if I had to choose something I would say that I disliked about Japan is its idolization of the U.S. This being when I visit shopping malls I noticed how many of the items people want to buy are American products and I also noticed how many Starbucks there are throughout the nation. This makes me sad because I feel by American companies being popular within Japan it takes away from its authentic culture.


07 箱根で提供されたテレコムスクエアのWiFiを使う私

Me using the Telecom Wi-fi provided in Kai Hakone.


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