100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本の色 Color of Japan


In January, Japan acts totally different from my old memory


that I thought the color of Japan was pink, full of sakura trees and Japanese castles,
but now, north-eastern Japan is a snow world.
After this winter north-eastern Japan tour,
I believe the color of north-eastern Japan’s winter is white, blue and silver,
with beautiful sun setting behind the snow mountains.
It look like a beautiful movie scene.
It is so romantic that I really want to share these views with my family and friends.



In addition, I didn’t know that there are so many high-level skier in Japan widely,
and the snow board is so popular among the young people.


雪に恋して Fall In Love With Snow


I went to ski when I lived in Hoshino Urabandai Hotel at Necoma Ski resort.Thanks to the soft powder snow here which made my first try of skiing successfully.
Finally, I can stand straightly easily and get to the end of the course without stop after practice.I so am lucky that I didn’t get hurt.


If someday I could not afford a house, maybe I should come back and built a snow house.



長い道のりですが Long Journey BUT ...


Though the long distance between ryokan took most of my time on the way, traveling by JR EAST is comfortable for its big, soft seats, views form the large windows and friendly staffs.This is a far more better for tourists to having a winter sightseeing on JR EAST.This is because I can see more in a shorter time and avoid the freezing temperature outside.



 Also, I can share the pictures and stories with my family and friends on JR EAST by telecom Wi-Fi.
Its signal is powerful so that it enables me keep in touch with the world.


私の親切なアドバイザーさん My Kind Adviser SAN


When I was skiing at Necoma Ski Resort as a BEGINNER,I know a friendly staff who takes in charge of the beginners’ lift.He is about 50 years old and he also have a kind of north-eastern accent.



It was Wednesday and there was only one ski beginner there—me!


When I prepared to get off the lift, I was so afraid because I was never told how to do so.
At that time Mr. Staff showed up and taught me how to control the speed and direction basically without danger.



After that, we start to have a conversation about not only the difference between ski and snow board,
but also why he work here.
One thing interesting is that actually he is not good at ski but giving others advices.
He said he enjoyed watching beginners get start to ski well with a warm smile.



Frankly, I don’t really like the freezing weather. When the sky get dark,
everything here in Nikko and Inawasiro seemed like sleep in the snow mountains,
and there are rare local people go out after 5p.m.



This is not safe for self-travel tourists because if a tourist miss the bus or lost her or his way,
it is difficult to call help, and there may be more dangerous in late, dark snow night.


During these days I saw some new about people got danger in snow mountains.
On the other hand, if there are more buses and shuttles,
it will be really helpful for the tourists and local people as well.


7_02星野リゾートでの上質な滞在、快適なJR東日本の移動、強力な通信会社テレコムスクエアのTelecom Wi-fiに対して、星野リゾート、JR東日本、テレコムスクエアそれぞれに感謝しています。

Thanks to Hoshino,JR EAST and Telecom for the high-class enjoyment in Hoshino Resort, comfortable JR EAST and powerful Telecom Wi-fi.


You gave me a warm winter Japan memory

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