100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


行くぜ、東北!青森へ敢行いたします! I was freaking afraid of freezing Aomori.


No. It is not my first time to visit Japan, and my image of Japan has not change.


However, it is my first time to visit the northeastern area in Japan. It impressed me a lot. Since I have many friends from Aomori, I always imagine how their hometown feel like. Finally my imagination of Aomori became to reality by this trip to Hoshino Resorts in Aomori area.


I was surprised by the weather. Actually, I was freaking afraid of the freezing cold weather in Aomori before this trip. It wasn’t as cold as I thought. Believe it or not, I wore the same clothes I wear everyday in Taipei during my stay in Aomori!


上杉さんと出会ったことなど、色々。 met up with Uesugi-San

1. 青森屋の浮き湯生演奏。

1. Flute live show in the Ukiyu!

2. 奥入瀬渓流バスツアー。

2. Bus tour to Oirase!



It was my first time to see the gorgeous icicles and waterfalls in the mountains! There was a river called Oirase river just beside the road. In my hometown, there is also a river near my home, the Oirase river made me felt like at home despite I was in Aomori, a place far away from my hometown.

3. 十和田湖へ行ったこと。

3. Visiting the Towada Lake.



4. テレビでイスラム国の最新情報をチェックし、日本のテレビ「◯◯妻とアメトーク」も

4. Following the breaking news of Islamic States and watching the Japanese TV drama and variety TV show on television!

 3_025. 友達の同級生であり、現在は界 津軽でお仕事をされている上杉さんとお会いしたこと。

5. Met up with Uesugi-San, the friend of my Japanese friend who is working in Kai


浮き湯での笛の演奏ととりんご湯 Flute live show in Ukiyu and Onsen of apples!

4_01「ザ ジャパンだ!」と感じさせたのは、青森屋の浮き湯での笛生演奏でした。
そして、界 津軽の温泉にたくさんのりんごが入っており、初めてりんごの温泉に入り、「行くぜ、東北。」、「ザ アオモリだ!」と感じました。星野リゾートは、日本の伝統文化だけではなく、ご当地文化も満喫させると実感しました。


4_05The experience that I felt like “Wow, this is JAPAN!”, was the flute live show in the Ukiyu of Aomoriya. I haven’t had any experience of going the Onsen outside. It was fabulous that I could enjoy the Onsen culture and traditional music in the same time. In Kai Tsugaru, there were many apples in the Onsen! It was also my first time to enjoy the Onsen of apples, and I felt like that “it’s so AOMORI!” In Hoshino Resorts, we can not only enjoy the traditional Japanese culture but also experience the local culture in that area.
Sorry for that I can’t take the photos in the Onsen. If you want to experience it on your own, welcome to Hoshino Resorts!



ウエスギ?ウイスキー??上杉だったの?! UESUGI? Whisky?? Uesugi!!


日本の友達のやんやんから「同じゼミの子が星野リゾートで働いている」と聞き、しかも勤務地も青森!というわけで、ふーみん、やんやんと青森屋の皆川さんに頼み、界 津軽で上杉さんとお会いすることができました!詳しい話を説明しようとすると、ややこしくなりますので割愛させて頂きます。

Definitely, meeting up with Uesugi-San is one of the best memories during trip! My Japanese friend, Usui-San, he told me that his friend of the same seminar in the university is now working in Hoshino Resorts in Aomori area! It’s the reason why I met with Uesugi-San in Kai Tsugaru.



In fact, I have friends who live in Aomori; I applied this project for meeting with them in their hometown. However, they are still students, it snows everyday in Aomori so they will spend much time to meet with me.

I felt frustrated that I can’t meet and talk with my friends even we are in the same area.



こころが折れましたが、上杉さんと界 津軽でお会いすることができて本当に感無量です!関西の友達も多くいるのですが、初めて奈良出身の友達ができたのです!奈良に行きたい気持ちも湧いてきたのです。


 As the reason, it meant a lot for me to meet Uesugi-San in Kai Tsugaru. We talked about my trip to Aomori, our mutual friend, Usui-San and his trip to Taiwan last year, her work in Hoshino Resorts and so on.

I have many friends from Kinki area, but she is my first friend who is from Nara. Since visiting all the 47 prefectures of Japan is one of my dreams, I am looking forward to visiting Nara in the future!


6_01特にありません。秘密のケンミンSHOWという番組を拝見してから、方言に興味を持つようになりました。レポートのタイトルも、青森の方言なのです!界 津軽の清水さんから教えて頂きました。

Actually there isn’t anything that I dislike… Since Aomori dialect is so difficult but interesting, I would like to introduce the title of my report.


A. “NA, DOSA?(You, where are you going?)”


B. “YUSA.(I am going to Onsen.)”


7_01成田エクスプレスに。なくてはいけない存在、東北遠征の相棒ーJR EAST PASSと共に。

Me on the Narita express with my JR EAST PASS. I am going to use it to travel in Fukushima after my trip in Aomori! Thank you JR EAST San!

7_02JR EAST PASSで福島へ行ってきました。写真は高校の友達 遠藤さんと一緒に。三ヶ月ぶりに福島で再開しました。りんごのシュークリームと地元の名物、太陽餅という焼き菓子を差し上げました。同じ高校の友達の五十嵐さん、亀岡さん、高野さんと和田さんにもお会いすることができて嬉しかったです。福島市内にかわいい雑貨屋さんもたくさんあります。東京発の新幹線でわずか一時間二十分!日帰りでも余裕でプチ女子旅に最適です。

I used the JR EAST PASS to visit my friends in Fukushima after my trip in Aomori. I gave them the choux a la creme of apples and the Sun Cakes( OMIYAGE of my hometown).


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