100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。




Japan is a country that has met my expectations. Like many other countries, Japan has positive and negative sides. After experiencing Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Atami and Hakone, I think that Japan has much more to offer than what is often portrayed in the media. It has also matched my imagination of what Japan would be like. When looking at photos and sceneries from media outside of Japan, one would assume that Japan is a country filled with natural beauty and layers of profound culture. When Japan is mentioned, people also tend to think of manga, anime and funky fashion.


The aspect of Japan that improved my thoughts of Japan is the service industry. People are generally very hospitable and polite. Japanese people respect each other very much. The crime rate is low and I have always felt safe alone as a female traveller.


 I felt that everything is always done in great detail here. The food served in a traditional Japanese meal will always be matched with the current season or what is available. The culture and stories have often been passed down to current times. I found it amazing that traditions and traditional architecture and objects have often been preserved.

1_02たとえば界 熱海には、樹齢350年のクスノキがあります。この木はこの山を見守っていると信じられています。過去の物の背景にはそれぞれストーリーがあり、それが私にとって楽しい経験となりました。様々なお寺や神社を訪れ、楽しかったです。添付した写真の1枚は、先に触れたクスノキです。

For example, in Kai Atami, there is a camphor tree that is 350 year old. The tree is believed to keep an eye on this mountain. Behind every object from the past there is a story and I found that to be an enjoyable experience. I had fun visiting various temples and shrine. One of the photos attached is the camphor tree that I have mentioned.


楽しい湯~遊~バス The amazing Yu-yu bus

2_02私は東京から熱海駅までJR東日本を使って電車で行きました。熱海駅に着いたとき、タクシーで 熱海まで行く予定でした。しかし、高齢者及びボランティアが地元を訪問する観光客用のバスを運転していることを読んだ記憶がありました。このバスは遅くまで走行しないので、私もそのバスに乗ってみたかったのです。

I took the train from Tokyo to Atami Station using the JR EAST. When I reached Atami Station, I was supposed to take the taxi to Kai Atami. However, I also remember reading about a local tourist bus operated by senior citizens and local volunteers. I really wanted to get on the bus and ride on it because I knew that the bus was not operating until late evening.


When I saw the Yu-yu bus passing by the train station, I acted on impulse. I bought the ticket and rode on the bus with all my luggage. I was started to regret it because there were many interesting places to visit in Atami and I had my heavy luggage. I was also worried about getting lost in Atami using the Yu-yu bus. In the end, I had a lot of fun on the Yu-yu bus. The local volunteers operating the bus was funny and they gave interesting information on the attractions. I also got to visit the local tourist attractions on the bus.



When the bus was climbing up a steep road to Atami Castle, I turned around and I loved the scenery. I felt that by going on the Yu-yu bus, I greatly appreciated the fact that I could speak Japanese. With my language ability, I was able to understand Yu-yu bus operators’ information. My favourite spot was the view I could see from the area opposite Atami Castle. It was a beautiful day that reflected the beauty of Atami.



美味しい会席料理 The delicious Kaiseki


When I was in Malaysia and Australia previously, I often ate Japanese food. However, I have never actually tried Kaiseki. When I thought about traditional Japanese food, I often thought of Kaiseki. I find that during this trip in Japan, I was able to enjoy traditional Japanese meal – Kaiseki in an enjoyable environment.


The ingredients used in the meal matched the environment and what is available in current season. This way, the menu varies and people could try different flavours. This is efficient and the environment is being maximized.


The dishes also reflect the current season. When I ate the food, I could tell that it was really fresh. Kaiseki really made me feel like I am in Japan. I have truly enjoyed the opportunity of eating dinner after dipping in the onsen and wearing yukata.



彼女は20代の活気ある女の子 Lively girl in her 20's


During my trip in Japan, I met a girl in her 20’s that works in a youth hostel in Tokyo. I have met her while I was travelling around Tokyo. She spoke really good English and helped me to navigate my way around Tokyo. She introduced a few places that are popular and roughly told me about the directions. With her help, I found it much easier to go around Tokyo.


She stays far away from her workplace and in Mitaka where Ghibli Museum is famously located. She was lively and cheerful. The girl made me think of how Japanese people in their 20’s are getting better in speaking English. Because she works in a youth hostel, she can also meet with travelers all around the world. The impression she gave me was that she really enjoyed exchanging cultural ideas with all the travelers she have met and will meet. I loved it when we were discussing about different countries and our travel experiences.




Maybe because I came during winter, the rain has affected much of my journey especially in Hakone. I went to Lake Ashinoko to view Mt. Fuji but it was too foggy. I also tried going to Oowakudani try the hot springs eggs but the areas closed. It was a pity but the foggy surrounding was actually quite beautiful. I will come back again next time!




This photo shows that I was riding the JR-EAST train to Odawara Station from Atami Station. The ride took around 20 minutes and it was quite a short ride. Because it was a rainy day, I could see the fog enveloping the scenery from the JR-EAST train. During my ride, an 80 year old lady talked to me and laughed at how I like hot springs despite my young age!


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