100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本に行くことが大好き! I LOVE visiting Japan!~~Daisuki~


After the trip, it confirms my views on Japan – fast pace in urban areas, especially in peak hours, people have to be packed in a small shop for noodles as breakfast, but I do find is delicious; the service in Japan overall is good, they showed patience and are willing to help and they are kind; the cuisines are fresh and delicious as expected; for rural areas, it is filled with beautiful scenery and excitement such as skiing and snowboarding. For those who are not good at sports, you can sit down and enjoy coffee with the snowflakes throughout the window, it’s really relaxing.

界 松本で、手工芸品を作る機会がありました。楽しくて有意義な時間でした。私はまた音楽のナイトイベントも楽しみました。サクソフォンとピアノ演奏はとても素晴らしかったです。

 In Kai Matsumoto, I had a chance to make handcraft, and it was fun and useful. I also enjoyed the music night event – saxophone and piano were so nice.


電車での出来事 Railway incident


By the time when I arrived Tokyo, it was already midnight and all trains stopped service, and only night buses are available, I decided to stay in the airport for the first night.

翌朝、私は、JR EAST PASSを買うため、東京駅までモノレールに乗りました。このパスを使用すれば、その路線内で無制限に乗降できます。このJR EAST PASSは海外からのみ購入可能であることにご注意下さい。もし、必要な場合は、飛行機に乗る前に必ず注文しなくてはなりません。

In the next morning, I took monorail train to Tokyo to obtain a JR EAST PASS. Using this pass you can have unlimited access in those lines. Please note that the JR EAST PASS can only be bought overseas so please make sure you ordered one before you get on the plane, if you need any.


Back to my story, the railway system is a bit complicated and it took me a while to locate the place for getting the Pass. In the service center, the staff asked me to provide the documentations. But there is something wrong with my document. The document somehow did not include the code for the staff to get access to my data. I have to contact my travel agency to ask for the code, and I sent messages to my friend and the agency as well about this. I was worried about the delay as it’s still early in Hong Kong, that the agency was not open yet.I was stuck in the center for an hourish. During that time, the staff are very nice and helpful, we chatted and I learned more about Japan and its railway system.


長野でのスノーボードレッスン Snowboard lesson in Nagano

IMG_20150121_101309冬の長野を選ぶべき理由の一つは、雪で覆われた美しい山々と湖です。フルーツとお酒付きの豪華な温泉と素晴らしい料理(アップルクランブルとアイスクリームのデザートが一番好き!)を頂いた、界 アルプスに一泊してスノーボードレッスンのために十分身体の準備ができました。1998年の冬季オリンピック会場だったこともあり、スノースポーツ施設は最高です。用具のレンタルとレッスンも英語(欧米人が教える)、広東語、もちろん日本語があります。ですので重くてかさばるウェアをスーツケースにつめたり、言葉の心配をする必要はありません。


One of the reasons of why to choose winter Nagano is because if its beautiful mountains and lakes, covered with snow. After staying in Kai Alps (Hoshino resorts) for a night, with gorgeous onsen bath with fruits and sake, as well as spectacular dishes (I love its dessert- apple crumble with ice cream most!), I’m physically prepared for the snowboard lesson. The snow sport facilities are great, partly because of it was the 1998 Winter Olympic Games host. They offer gear rental and lessons in English(taught by westerners), in Mandarin and Japanese of course. Therefore, you do not need to worry about filling your luggage with heavy and clumsy clothes or the language.
I took a snowboard lesson in English, with an Australian student classmate and we both enjoyed the lesson taught by a handsome instructor.


界アルプスの総支配人 松丸さん Mr. Matsumaru, the manager of the Kai Alps


I am depicted to have a conversation with the manager if the resort. He is in charge of the Kai Alps. He is very friendly and shared me a lot of things. He told me about how they build the igloo-first, they put the snow together to form a small hill, then they empty the center part to make it hollow, and finally, some decorations. It’s very beautiful.


The interesting part is that they have to add snow on top is the igloo every week, as maintenance.


It was late and was time for dinner, and I guess if I keep talking with him, I may bother his work for the dinner session. Although our conversation is short, it was precise and Mr. Matsumaru showed his hospitality in a professional way. He and his crew have me a memorable stay and I really enjoyed it.



この旅行のすべてに満足していますが、もし、私が気に入らない何かがなければらないのであれば、私は天気をコントロールできなかったことです。長野では、というか日本全体に当てはまるのかもしれませんが、山があるところでは雲が生まれやすいので、たとえば13時には晴れていても16時にはかなり曇ったりするのです。なので、夜になって空を見上げて星を探すことができませんでした。 x.x

The whole trip is satisfying, and if there must be something that I have to dislike, is that I cannot control the weather. In Nagano, well, I’m not sure if it can fit into the entire Japan, is that the mountains will “produce” clouds easily, which means, say for example, at 13:00, it’s sunny, but in 16:00 it could be very cloudy. So at that night, I was unable to look up to the sky and search for stars ×.×



新幹線を待っているときの写真です。乗車はスムーズで快適でした。スナックや飲み物を台車に積んだスタッフもいました!電車は高速で、特にJR EAST PASSもしくはより高価な乗車券でないと使えない指定席はよかったです。

La me waiting for shinkansen. The ride was smooth and comfortable.  There are staff with trolleys with snacks and drinks! The train is fast and I enjoyed the specific seat they assigned, which can only be done by JR EAST PASS or more expensive tickets.

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