100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


礼儀正しく、きちんとしているのは? polite and neat equal to...?


It is because that I have never been to Japan before. Therefore, all I know about here is based on Japanese TV shows, comics, and cartoons,etc..


Through this journey, I found that Japanese are extremely polite and kind. It really fits the image that I have learned from the sources that I mentioned. For example, they use “please” many times and even primary school students would nod to us if we smile at them.


 On the street, everything is ordered and neat. Especially in all white world. It seems very harmonious. Walking alone on these kind of places feels so good!



突然、…台湾! All of a sudden, ...Taiwan!!

2_01裏磐梯から界 川治への移動にはとても時間がかかりました。そしてとても退屈で疲れました。しかし、日光線で眠りそうになった時、突然何かが私の目を引き、その内容に微笑みました。車内に台湾について書かれている二枚のポスターがあったのです。それは、小学生が旅行の思い出を書いたものだったのだと思います。一つには「台灣 讚」、もう一つには「台日友好」と書かれていて、とても感動しました。

Transfering from Urabandai to Kaiser Kawaji takes me so much time. And it’s quite tiring and exhausting. However, when I was almost fell asleep on Nikko line, all of a sudden, something caught my eyes and made me smile with content. There are two posters wrote about Taiwan that sticked in the carriage. I guess they are from primary school students writing something about travel or their experiences. One wrotes “台灣 讚”, the other one wrotes “台日友好” which was very touching.


I did not imagine these kind of experience during my trip. It is really hard the describe my feeling.


But, I guess they like my country! After seeing that, I feel energetic again. Just like the two posters just recharge my battery. I am ready for the following journey.


白、白、白 White, white, white


Taiwan is country which located in low latitude. Therefore, it’s quite hard for us to have snow. However, when I was on my way to Inawashiro, all the things became white. For example, white road, white mountain, white roof, etc.


All of these were things that I never had before. Thus, I was really excited. Nevertheless, also because of snow and the cold weather, five colors of lakes in Goshiki-numa became only white and blue. They are just iced. What a pity!


However, I still can’t deny that walking in the forest which was filled with snow is extremely nice! I really enjoy the white beautiful world and tranquility during that time. I would never forget the scenery that I saw in this journey.


最初は悪夢だが、真実は... At first it's a nightmare, but the truth is...


One day, I want to make a reservation of a bus ticket which goes to Narita Airport. So, I walked into a convenient store and tryed to use the machine. Because the interface is Japanese, so I asked an employee for help. However, she don’t know how to use it either.


At first, I was pretty mad. I just thought that she’s an employee of a convenient store, she should completely know everything of that store including the machine. It’s kind of her duty. How come she wasted my time and told me to come back again in the next day!


However, after I eventually got the ticket, I feel calm and can deeply think of this incident. I just found that I shouldn’t be mad. On the other hand, I should be gratitude. It’s because that if she just ignore me, I may not go back home.



Beacause of the history, geographic region, and many complex reasons, I can understand at least fifty percent of written words in Japanese which was written in Chinese charcters. Therefore, I always enjoy guessing the right meaning before somebody tell me the real one. If I am guessing right, I would feel a little sense of achievement!


 However,the problem is that I cannot communicate with others. That annoys me the most when I totally know what’s it about. I just cannot pronounce them! By that time, all I can do is to take out a pen and a piece of paper to write it down so that Japanese can know what I am talking about.


7_01Telecom Wi-fiのおかげで、私の旅は楽になりました。いつもこうして正しい行き方を見つけて、すべての美しい写真をソーシャル・ネットワークに投稿して、友人達とシェアします。なんて素晴らしいのでしょう!

Because of this kind little stuff, my trip became easier. I use it all the time to find the right directions and post all the beautiful photos on social network and share them with my friends. How wonderful!


7_02JR EAST PASSで巡る旅は本当に便利です。JR東日本はとても速く、素敵です。また、美しい風景を楽しむこともできます。私はこういう体験がとても好きで、次回に私が日本を旅する時も、JR EAST PASSを選ぶと思います。

Traveling around with JR EAST PASS is really convenient! It is very fast and nice! I can also enjoy the beautiful scenery at the same time. I really like these kind of experience and I think that I would choose JR EAST PASS the next time I travel around Japan.


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