100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


限りない驚きと刺激とに満ちた場所 A place of endless wonder and excitement


Japan has absolutely struck me with wonder, endless and exciting wonder & fascination. My image of Japan has changed in a hugely positive way after this trip. I am impressed with the creativity & simplicity of Japan and its people, and that every day you are guaranteed to discover a new/exciting way of doing things.


When I think of Japan, now I think of beauty in the little things.There is something very beautiful and refreshing about Japanese traditions, the Japanese onsen bath culture being a perfect example of this. There is a wealth of tradition experienced during each onsen experience, and it is truly an invigorating and tranquil feeling to be a part of.


I will forever think of Japan as breathtakingly fascinating. A country able to fulfil the most curious mind. Each day, and place brings something new to explore. Japan is a country full of wonder and excitement.



Looking back now, my image of Japan before this trip was extremely limited and cliche. I would think of Japan as a scenically beautiful place, with tightly held traditions and a culturally rich background. Through experience, I have always found Japanese people to be extremely respectful and softly mannered people. Whilst this is all still true, having been on this recent trip its safe to say this idea does not even touch the surface of the complexity and enriching Japanese culture, which is what makes Japan a truly beautiful country.


酒と火について For Sake and Fire


The Nozawa Onsen Dosojin Fire Festival, one of the three largest in Japan, was an amazing scene to be a part of. It was really gratifying experience to be apart of such an important tradition. It takes roughly 100 villagers to build the wooden shrine, made of wood from the mountains. Men aged 42 and 28 battle, with it ending in the burning of the shrine, with the flames engulfing the whole area & men chanting and throwing flames the entire time. Of coarse sake flows thick and generously for two days straight.


楽しくてとりこになった富士急について The Three ''F's'' - Fun, Fascination and Fuji-Q!


One word. Fujikyu. Nestled at the base of Mt Fuji is one of Japans most famous theme parks, Fujikye. No where else in the world can you be walking between roller coasters with snow covering the ground and a perfect view of Mt Fuji.



302Wondering the streets of Kabukicho, Shinjuku and Harajuku- the streets filled with flashing lights, Pachinko music and vending machine Asahi- was by far themost interesting and exhilarating experiences. Every corner was met with total amazement. I must mention Robot Restaurant, the most weird and wonderful modern Japanese experience. A night filled with laughter&amazement, showcaseing the weirdly creative performances of the Tokyo region.


メグミさんに出会ったこと Meet Miss Megumi


This is Megumi, I was lucky enough to meet her during my stay in Atami. She worked at a hotel in the area and my very first thought of her was that she was easily just as excited for us that we were in Japan.


Megumi was a genuine loving soul, who was so curious of my story and my life. Megumi is an excellent photographer and loves Australia, having visited many times before. Her english was minimal but our conversation was never dull. I loved the way she was curious and excited over my culture, but still had a very deep and passionate love of her own. This is what Japan is to me, a place where you can easily be drawn into the passions of others’ traditions but also a place where others are just as curious as you. I felt like Megumi epitomised this.



It is very hard to say something that I have not liked about Japan. Japan, overall is an amazingly beautiful and special place to visit. One tip I can say is that it is really hard to find bins in the streets, so be prepared for pockets full of rubbish. There are many indoor spots in japan, including restaurants and hotels, where smoking is allowed. For some who do not enjoy cigarette smoke, it can be off putting during dinner time. But truly, I can honestly say the only thing I dislike about Japan is that I don’t live here.



Trying to catch two trains whilst carrying a VERY heavy suitcase and a snowboard bag after 6 hours of bus travel.. During peak hour.. Not easy

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