100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


とことん質にこだわる日本人魂 The Japanese spirit in pursuit of excellence

101日本の東北地方への初めての旅によって、これまでの日本の国や国民に対する見方を確かなものにしてくれました。日本人は物事を非常に真面目にとらえて、吟味します。 詳細を見る、そして全てを整理、清潔、整頓しています。さらに、不測の天候の状態を除いては、バスや電車は決して遅れることがありません。先端が霜や雪に覆われたJR東日本の電車が(まるで冷凍庫の中から飛び出してきたかのように)プラットフォームに入ってくるのを見た時は興奮しました。北国ならではの光景だと思います。悪天候の時でさえ、時間厳守に徹する日本人の態度を打ち負かすことはできません。私は、この、とことん最後まで完璧なものにこだわる日本人の心に本当に敬服しており、心から尊敬しています。

My first trip ever to northeast Japan has reinforced positively to how I used to think about Japan and her people – they take things very seriously, attend to minute details, and keep everything clean, tidy and highly organised. What more, save for unforeseeable weather conditions, buses and trains are never late! It was an exciting moment to see the JR EAST train pulling in at the platform with its front all covered with frost and snow (as if the train just came out of a freezer. A sight only in North Japan I believe) . Even harsh weather as such can’t beat the Japanese attitude that presses for precision. I truly admire and have my highest respect for this Japanese spirit in pursuit of excellence.


小さな親切 Kindness in a small act


At Furukawa Ichiba in Aomori, I shared a table with a young gentelman who was also enjoying his seafood rice made fresh from the market . It’s a self-help station, so you would help themselves with tea and chopsticks. When he was down and tidied up, he actually took the effort to wipe the table clean, without a trace of soy sauce. It was a small act but if you mean well for the next coming customer, your successor will do the same too. It would be a loop of good deeds expressing care for one another and love for the environment.


温泉旅館での本物の日本の経験 A genuine Japan experience at an onsen hotel

301温泉(日本の温泉)がある旅館の、畳の部屋での宿泊は本当に忘れられない体験でした。本当に気に入りました! 界 津軽のロビーに足を踏み入れた瞬間、インテリアデコレーションや造園のすばらしさに目を奪われました。庭園は、手入れが行き届き、雪(母なる自然からの贈りもの)で化粧されていました。部屋には、墨の書画と生花を飾るための、間接照明を置いたコーナーがありました。家の中の何から何までが文化的に非常に豊かで粋で日本的なのです。

Staying at an onsen (Japanese hot spring) hotel and in a tatami room was wastruly something hard to forget – I love it! The moment I stepped into the lobby of Kai Tsugaru I was immediately drawn to the interior decor and amazing horticulture, with gardens carefully groomed with snow – a gift from mother nature. And in the room, there is a corner with separate lights just for the display of an ink painting on paper and flower arrangements. Every bit in the home was so culturally rich and stylishly Japanese.


始めまして! Nice to meet you!


When I arrived in Aomori, I bumped into a young mom with her 2 children at the age of about 5 and 3. The little ones were just too cute they both have very apple red cheeks (is it because of the weather?). I couldn’t help telling the mom how lovely her kids were. Since they had a luggage I thought they must be on a family trip. The lady told me they lived in Aomori. So this is the first person from Aomori that I have met. I noticed that each of the children had to carry their own small backpack. They were trained to take care of some of own belongings at such young age, how nice.



To be honest, there are hardly anything that I dislike about this trip. Initially I thought language might be a barrier for I believe most Japanese speak limited English. While I travelled all the way from Tokyo to Hirosaki in Aomori (it was a 5.5 hour ride by JR), there were many guardian angels helping me out regarding how to transfer a train, which platform to go to, whether I need a reservation. Just ask anyone you meet along the way when you have a query, you would immediately feel that any Japanese individual would try to be as helpful as one can, despite the language barrier. One tip is that, it would help a great deal if you could remember and pronounce the names of your destination and major transfer station you are heading to.



Got a lot of help at the JR EAST stations from nice people and made it too the far north of honshu!

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