100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


奥の深いワビサビ The elusive wabi-sabi


My image of Japan continues to rise and rise, exceeding my expectations. I have always admired many Japanese qualities such as their highest standards in everything they do, hospitality, politeness, kindness, care and attention to detail. However, before arriving on this trip, I read various accounts of ‘wabi-sabi’. I became very interested in this concept, especially in regards to aesthetics and design. However, as I came to learn, this is something better experienced than learnt. It is a gradual lifelong understanding, rather than a discrete knowable subject.


M, the young lady who served my kaiseki dinner in my room on my first night, who came from a Shizuoka across the bay, explained it (or rather, neglected to explain it) best. She did not refer to material things, but alluded to a general idea of the spirit of Japanese people.


I admired the way she declined to reduce it so simply to a piece of pottery or a material thing, as I had done. However, she left me intrigued and wanting to spend further time learning the language and living in this country to understand the concept.


雪に埋もれたMOA MOA under snow

201タクシーに乗って、界 熱海 を出ました。素晴らしいとしか言いようがない運転手の運転するぴかぴかのタクシーで、熱海美術館へと曲がりくねった道の丘を上がっていた時、雪が降り始めました。景色は白く覆われ、MOAは壮大な物に見えました。果てしなく見えるエスカレーターを上ると、山の中腹が現れました。私は建築的としても美しい博物館の上の階へ出たのでした。

Leaving KAI Atami in a taxi, driven by an impeccable driver in a spotless cab, up the winding hill to the Atami Museum of Art, when it started snowing. The whiteness blanketed the scenery and made MOA a majestic place. After ascending the seemingly endless escalator through what appeared to be the belly of a mountain, I emerged at the higher levels of the architecturally beautiful museum.


While I did not enter to see the exhibits inside the museum, I took a stroll outside in the gardens surrounding the teahouse and was guided by a kind female security guard in a smart blue trenchcoat.



I noticed one of the cherry or plum trees were blossoming but only later found out that only Atami cherry trees blossom this early.I took many photographs, both mentally and on my camera of the combination of white snow, pink flowers, the austere but beautiful grey of the museum, against the backdrop of the different shades of green of the cedars, bamboos and pines.


わびさびの境地 Entering wabi-sabi


I worked a whole day at an office in smog-filled Ho Chi Minh City, took a sleepless overnight flight to Tokyo via Kuala Lumpur, then spent the day walking around Tokyo’s Tsukiji and Daikanyama districts. By the time I arrived at KAI Atami on a slow and crowded local train, I was more hungry and exhausted then I realised. However, the moment I stepped into the grounds, everything was unwound. I will never forger the beautiful, detailed surroundings and architecture, even in the nighttime, the welcome reception, the shower in the Japanese bathroom, the hospitality of the waitress, the food made with expertise, the after-dinner bath in the hot spring onsen in the brisk winter air, then a deep sleep in the heavenly futon in a cool dark tatami mat room.


わびさび的表現 A display of wabi-sabi


After a day of visiting the MOA in Atami, and filling up on onigiri balls from a convenience store , I wanted to walk to Risonare Atami so I could walk off my late lunch and also to take some photos along the way. As I passed a petrol station, I asked for directions. The middle-aged gentleman, who turned out to be a resident of Atami, NW, kindly offered to drive me closer to my destination, as he was going along the way. He quickly finished his business at the service station and we drove down the narrow streets of the quieter end of town. He appeared to struggle to speak English, but earnestly made an effort to converse, talking about visiting Australia as a school student and the results of the Australian Open. I never saw his face as it was covered by a hygiene mask. NW eventually ended up driving me all the way up the mountain to the hotel.


Only at the foyer did he reveal that he was an architect, which opened up a whole subject of mutual interest between us. Sadly, NW had to go but he left me with this business card, leaving open a possibility of connection in the future.



Language barriers – not being able to communicate more with people I meet, not understanding menu items, such as when deciding what onigiri to buy, or which button to press on the ramen ordering machine.


Difficulty in reading maps and the complexity of the Japanese rail system.


Warren-like structure of Japanese houses, making them hard to navigate and not knowing what is around the corner.


Electronic toilets – a bit too much technology where it might not be needed. Sometimes simplicity is better.


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