100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


想像上回る日本の文化。 Japanese Culture Is Beyond My Imagination.


There are total “three jumping” from island to island during my trip. And my third jumping from island to island is from Kohama to Taketomi. And what changed my image of image after coming is the “Japanese culture!” My stereotype of Japanese culture was staying in geisha, Teasim, sumo and so on. However, after my first coming to Japan, I experience the culture of Taketomi, which extend my imagination of Japanese culture. Sansin, which is a local music instrument in Okinawa, by learning ”NADASOUSOU”, I can imagine people here sitting and singing by the sea. And Minsa experience, which is a kind of traditional knitting art, the design patterns on the knitting art mean that lovers’ promise- being forever and ever. This trip extended my understanding of Japanese culture.


女性の天国 - 本とカフェ! Women's Heaven- Books and Café!


203My Second jumping is from Iriomote to Kohama. And this time, I think jumped to a women’s heaven. What made me want to stay a whole afternoon is Books & Café, where you can enjoy the photo books and having a cup of café or mike with brown sugar flavor. Sitting there, I felt time seemed to go very slowly. All you have to do is learning relax and enjoying the sea view with great music. there is also a place with a wood chair and a bookcase, and to my surprise, there are two cute little sheep accompanying you!


西表島の環境保護の取り組み。 The Efforts of The Environmental Protection on Iriomote Island.


302My first jumping is from Ishigaki to Iriomote, and after arriving Irimote Jima,I was astonished by the glossy and green mountain and peaceful ocean. And what’s most special is the representative animal is Yamaneko, which is a kind of nocturnal bobcats in a danger of extinction. However, you can see residents now care about Yamaneko to stop the declining number of Yamaneko, furthermore, they also build an underground tunnel to let animals crosses safely, and make a well environment for Mangrove. What will stick with me forever is the heart that Japanese cares about environment and animal protection.


ミンサー織りの担い手- 島仲さん。 The Master of Minsa Knitting- Shimanaka.



402The master of Minsa Knitting- Shimanaka, is a friendly and patient lady living in Taketomi Jima. In the process of teaching me how to knit Minsa, which is made by basjooleaf and with 300-year history, she smiled and felt willing to talk to foreigner for not speaking Japanese very well. Minsa is a traditional art and the process of making Minsa is not easy, which means you need to pay efforts to make a beautiful and complete Minsa. Need to mention the meaning of Minsa; Minsa symbolizes the promise of lovers and expresses your love for being forever. And the master paid lots of efforts to maintain this tradition and art in Taketomi Jima.


701ついてないことに、旅行中はほとんど曇っていました。今回の旅は天気を除けば完璧でした… 小浜島ではスキンダイビングをキャンセルするハメになってしまいました。それでも海は透き通るような青色で、すぐにでも飛び込みたくなるほど美しいです!天候には恵まれませんでしたが、雨や曇の日ならではの島々の美しさを体験することができたと思っています。また、ここのフレンドリーな日本の方々と触れ合うこともできました!また、プロフェッショナルな受付やガイドの方々の協力により、地域の文化をより深く理解することができ、これら3つの島々が台湾の歴史にも深く関わっていることを知りました。ありがとうございました!

What a pity that it most was a cloudy day during the trip. This trip was really perfect except the weather…for example, we canceled the skin dive in Kohama, however, sea here was so crystal-clean and blue that you might want to jump into sea! Though it was a cloudy day, I still could receive the beauty of these three island via different scene while raining or cloudy day, and friendly Japanese people here! Furthermore, thanks to professional receptionists and guides here, I could understand local culture deeper like knowing that these three have deep relationship with Taiwan history as well!



On the way to Ishigaki Airport by Peach Airline, and the flight was stable. Outside the window, the beautiful sea of cloud me feel great to start my journey!



Taking a ferry by Yaeyama Kanko Ferry and the service attendant was nice and patient for consulting my questions!

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