100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


フレンドリーな日本のお年寄り Friendly Japanese elders


My expectation and the reality meet at some points. For example, Japan’s nature beauty of scenery is undeniable. I did have such a great time enjoying all the beauty of Japan’s winter with lots of leafless trees all around me. Walking along the streets, catching glimpse of downhill mountain of Hakone as well as the long seashore of Atami, I kept asking to myself “Why is Japan so amazing like this?” Personally, I did fall in love with every little corner of Japan since every little thing is really “kawaii” in their own ways.


For some other points, it was really out of my expectation, I have never thought that I could have lots of interesting conservation with Japanese elder locals. I used to think about Japanese elders as some cold and strict people; therefore, they would likely turn to be inhospitable towards young foreigners like me since I cannot speak Japanese at all.


However, I have changed my mind totally. When I got lost or confused about transportation and direction, I came to ask an elder local and they always eagerly helped me. It was really true that anytime I saw a Japanese elder on the street looking at me, I bowed my head and smiled happily then I always received a warm smile from them as well as another bow in return, which absolutely made my day. Even the way they attentively read a book or quietly sit on the bench waiting for the bus brings me lots of peaceful feeling. To some extent, I have realized the reason why Japanese people all look very young and live a long life. I even made myself a resolution of studying Japanese more and more so that I can talk and learn more from Japanese elders, hopefully on my next chance coming to Japan.


パニックと興奮 Panic and excitement

IMG_37111ネットのおかげで、私と同時期に同じ場所 で、このプログラムにインドネシアから参加するEfriskaを探すことができました。ということで、私たちは1/27に東京駅で会うことにしました。しかし、私のフライトが遅れ、駅に到着したのもかなり遅い時間でした。

Thanks to the Internet, I found Efriska from Indonesia who would also participate in this program in the same area (Hakone and Atami) and at the same time just like me. Therefore, we planned to meet up at Tokyo station on Jan 27. But my flight was late so I got to the station quite late as well.

既に夜になっており、彼女はかなり長い時間私を待っていたはずなので、私は怖くなってきました。私は彼女を探し続けましたが、駅を物凄く混み合っていて、誰もが速く歩き、私は彼女に会ったことがなかったので、それは本当にムダでした。私はその場に立ち、人々の列が通り過ぎてくのを見回しながら、自分を見失っていきました。その後幸運にも、案内カウンターで「英語可」の表示を見つけ、なんとか落着きを取り戻しました。私はそこへ行き、無料WiFiと小田原への行き方をたずねました。案内カウンターの女性は本当に親切でした。彼女はやさしい微笑みを浮かべて、熱心に助けてくれました。私は、「やった! 助かった…WiFiにつなげて、すぐに彼女に連絡できる」と思いました。すると突然、ひとりの少女が私の背中をたたき、息切れしながら「あなたがVy? あぁ神様、やっと会えました!」というようなことを言いました。

Then I got afraid since it was already evening and she had been waiting for me for quite a long time. I kept looking around to find her but it was really in vain because the station was absolutely crowded, everyone all walked very fast and I had not seen her before. It was crazy at that moment when I was standing there, looking around at lines of people passing by me. Fortunately, I took back my calm when seeing “English available” sign on the information desk. I came there asking for free wifi and the way to get to Odawara. The woman at the information desk was really helpful. She helped me enthusiastically with a warm smile on her face. I was like “Yay! I find a way … I will get wifi and contact her right away”. Then suddenly there was a girl touching me from behind and puffedly saying something like “Is that you, Vy? Thanks god, you are here!”.

界 箱根から、私たちは芦ノ湖までバスで行こうとしていました。スタッフの説明のおかげで、バス停には簡単に行くことができました。しかしバスが来るまで、バス停でかなり長い時間待たなければなりませんでした。すると突然、近くに座っていた若者の説明で、私たちは違うバスに乗っていることがわかりました。彼によると、そのバスは箱根湯本駅行きで、芦ノ湖行きではありませんでした。バス停があったので、運転手に止まるように伝えようとしましたが、降ろしてくれず、私たちはどんどんパニックになっていきました。幸運にも小さい赤いボタンを見つけ、このボタンを押して予め運転手に知らせる必要があり、そうでないとバス停には止まってくれないことに気が付きました。もうひとつ興味深かったのは、私たちが間違ったバスに乗ってしまったことを運転手が理解して、料金を取られなかったことです。これは本当に有り難かったです。日本では、ルールはルールであるが、人々は全員優しいということを学びました。

 From Kai Hakone, we intended to take a bus to Lake Ashi. We got to the bus stop very easily thanks to the staff’s instruction. However, at the bus stop, we had to wait for a quite long time till the bus came. And suddenly, it turned to be that we were in the wrong bus according to an explanation of young man sitting nearby. He said that the bus was heading to Hakone Yumoto station, not Lake Ashi. We did get more and more panic when there was a bus stop and we tried to tell the bus driver but he did not let us out. Fortunately, we saw a little red button and realized that we needed to inform him in advance by pushing that red button otherwise he would not stop. One more interesting thing is that he did not charge us any bus fees when he knew we got the wrong bus, which was really nice. I have learned that in Japan, rules are rules but still, people are all very nice.


At Lake Ashi area, rightly after getting out of the bus, Efriska told me like “Hey, there is something, maybe rain”. I then tried to look into the sky for something dropping and see whether it is snow or rain. But deeply in my heart at that time, I felt like it was likely snow. And yes, it was snow. It started snowing more and more which was just so amazing. I shared with Efriska that this was my first time ever to see real snow by my eyes and touch it and have it all around me like this. She said that this was also her first time then we both yelled happily like “Yay, we are so lucky!”


おじぎと微笑み Bow and smile


I specially like the way Japanese people treat and behave towards each other. As what I have observed so far in Hoshino Resort as well as in the shopping malls, when the guests or customers had left the ryokans or the stores already, the staffs still stood there bowing their head, smiling and waving their hands. It is really a warm gesture with care and respect. I have learned that this gesture of bowing against each other (what is so-called Ojigi) is to say hello or welcome or thank you or even good bye and seeing you again. With lots of meanings contained in only one simple gesture, it is really nice to bow when we first meet or when we have to see off each other. A bow with a smile is a very simple but warm and respectful formula for a sunny day.
Since the time I have learned that great thing, I started to bow very often and what I have received back is far more than just a bow.


カレーと餅と素敵な日本人家族で幸せに Feeling lucky with Kare, Mochi and a lovely Japanese family


Since Hoshino Resort just acted as the base ryokans for my trip to Japan and encouraged me to try to drink as much Japanese culture as I can all by myself. Therefore, I asked for a help from a website named Couchsurfing by publicly posting some information about my trip to Hakone and Atami with the hope of finding some locals who can speak English and be my tour guide. Atsushi contacted me a couple of days later. He is now living with his wife and two lovely kids in Odawara, near Odawara station. He said that he would be very glad to have me as his guest for having dinner with his family at his house. It was really a lovely invitation and out of my expectation.


As planned, we met at Odawara station at 7pm after he finished his work. He then guided me and Efriska to his house which is near to the station. We then met his wife and the two lovely kids when we arrived at his house. His wife had prepared Kare and salad for us already, so we had dinner together in a very warm and cozy atmosphere. We then ate Mochi as dessert. Both I and Efriska like this Japanese cake a lot because of a big fresh strawberry inside each of these. Atsushi proudly let us know that Mochi was his special choice for us and we could keep all of it for eating later. A big smile appeared on our faces at that time.

アツシさんは本当に良い人です。彼はその後、私たちを車で界 熱海まで送ってくれました。旅館に向かっている途中、私たちは熱海、彼の仕事、その他いろんなことをたくさん話しました。また、私にとっては日本は完璧だったので、逆に彼に日本のどこが好きか聞いてみました。彼は少し考えてから、おそらく日本人はかなり家庭的だと思うと答えました。彼の答えで私たちは話すのやめ、もうしばらくの間考えていました…

Atsushi is really a nice guy. He then took us from his house to Kai Atami ryokan by his car. On the way heading to the ryokan, we spent time talking much about Atami, about his job, about everything. I also asked him what he did not like the most about Japan since to me, Japan was so perfect. He was thinking for a little while then answered me that maybe Japanese people is quite domestic. His reply made us keep quiet and thinking for another while…



Japan is really an amazing place to explore. And words seem to be not enough for me to fully express my great feeling after all. Frankly speaking, this will be forever an amazing life fortune that I have been received so far. In sum, this trip was that perfectly amazing so this question is somehow rather hard to answer.


Personally saying, I would say that the period of only three days seems to be inadequate. Japan is just full of interesting things for foreign people (like me) to come to experience and learn. Therefore, if it were a quite longer stay then there would be more things to tell.


Another thing is the luggage. Because of our time limitation as mentioned above, we could not leave the luggage at the ryokans and then go back and forth for taking the luggage to another ryokan. Then, we chose to carry our luggage along with us all the time. I have one big luggage and another backpack so I had to carry the backpack on my back during the time being on the bus and on the rope way and walking along the streets. At the end of the day, I suddenly realized that there had been a big pain on my neck down to the left shoulder. It was hurt and unpleasant which made me feel tired quite that much. However, despite my tiredness, I was still getting excited again when having chance to talk with locals (like hotel staffs) and the pain was really relieved thanks to their special care and empathy.


The very last thing is not about the trip, but about what I observed. There are still some Japanese young people smoking quite that much, including even female ones. And on the train when it was crowded, some Japanese old men still had to stand because of lack of seats.



Excitedly got the Telecom Wifi at Telecom Square desk.


On JR-EAST train from Narita Airport heading to Tokyo station by Narita Express.

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