100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本は伝統と国際的な多様性のある国 Japan is a place with tradition and international diversity



It is my first time to visit Japan and I think what makes me feel my image has been changed is that Japan is not only a place with its tradition but also a very international diversified place. I met quite few local people who can use fluent English to communicate from different areas in Japan. It makes very good impressions for overseas travellers that they can travel freely within the country and they can find useful information to guarantee they will end up safely where they plan to go. Secondly, they are many people from overseas live and work here and everywhere I travel, I can find people from china , US, Europe etc. it makes this place no stranger to many who just come here. Furthermore, Japan has many world historic heritage and natural attractions which provides world class tourism destination.


日本の人々は思いやりがあります。 People are warm hearted here

image49日本での最初の目的地である、界 日光へ行ったときのことです。中禅寺の駅へ向かっていたのですが、バスでは事前に購入していたチケットを受けつけてもらえず、私は小銭を持っていませんでした。バスの運転手さんは、乗客のひとりひとりに 小銭を貸してもらえないかを尋ねてくれました。1人の女性が財布を取り出して両替をしてくれたので、私はバス代を支払うことができました。お礼を言って運転手さんを見ると、運転手さんもその女性に挨拶をしていて、とても感動的な場面でした。

That happend to me when I was making a trip to my first destination Kai Nikko. I was heading to chuzenji station however that bus didnt accept tickets which I got in advance and I have no change for the bus fee. The driver patiently asked every single passenger if they can help to change some money. One lady took her wallet and swapped some changes with me so I can pay the fee. After I sent my gratitude, I saw the driver send his regards to the passenger which was a touching moment.


文化と人々を尊敬 Respect your culture and people


As same as many other countries, Japanese people send greetings and wishes when they meet in real. In Japan, people seems to use more traditional way to say hi and goodbye which they used to do back to long time history. The way they show respects that implanted into the heritage culture actually improve peoples relationship and make less conflicts when people do things together.


列車の中で会ったエンジニア An engineer that I met in the train


I met an engineer when I was on the way from Tokyo station to utsunomiya station. When he found out that I was first time in Japan, he extends his warm hospitality by introducing himself as an chief engineer in national fire security bureau and asking me where I go and make suggestions to my trip. He also mentioned many things quite useful such as local foods and taught me some basic Japanese about how to say good morning and how to ask road. He even navigated me when I got off the train to another transferring station. It was short term and probably first local people I met, and I really appreciate his warm heart and the good first impression that people here are friendly.



Basically I should not be called a drawback but it can be gradually improved as there are more international travellers visit Japan. I have noticed that many road signs have only got Japanese words on it and it may be difficult for foreigners to walk or drive. And some of local attractions haven’t provided enough translation services.I went to toshogu shrine and i could not understand some of stories which were made in japanese. It can be simply added underneath local language so I can read some the explaination. That can be applied in many tourism places, and people will know more about the history


IMG_50961テレコムスクエアのサポートによるTelecom Wifiを使って情報を検索し、交通情報を探すことができました。

With the help of Telecom Wifi supported by Telecom Square, I can search information and manage to find transport easily.

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