100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本の心温まる冬 Heart-warming winter in Japan


Though sometimes it gets really cold (especially when the wind blows!), I think my first winter experience in Japan has been a heart-warming one, despite the freezing cold weather that I had imagined. I did not even have to use the heat-pads that i brought to Japan.


Aside from the superb scenery, hearty meals and soothing hotspring, what really made this trip exceptionally warm is the hospitality of the people I have met throughout the journey. They are always there to help you, sometimes even before you approached them for help.



There was once a passenger sat next to me on a flight asked, “What makes someone goes to a country again, and again?” I think it is the kizuna(bond) between people that makes us want to re-visit a place.


I wish Japan is nearer to Malaysia.


江戸時代へ遡るタイムトラベル Time travel back to Edo Period


 I went to Nikko Edomura Wonderland where i had a great time strolling in an Edo period town, having conversation with ninja, samurai and other chonins.

204侍が持っていた日本刀の振り方や日本の弓道の体験講座にも参加することができました。どちらも面白くびっくりするような体験でした。忍者ショーも本当に凄かったですが、写真撮影禁止だったのが残念です。その日は界 川治に到着する前に、見る者を魅了させる花魁の行列で締めくくられました。


I also had the chance to attend crash-course on samurai sword wielding and Japanese archery, which were both fun and eye-opening. Ninja action show was really amazing as well but too bad no photography was allowed. The day ended with the mesmerising Oiran (ultimate geisha) procession before i got onto my journey towards Kai Kawaji.


無計画な計画 The plan of having no plan at all


The experience of doing a constantly moving solo trip is new to me and there is limited amount of time to spend at one location before I had to move to the next. I have realised the best plan for this type of journey is to plan nothing, and let the weather to help with the decision on where to go. Sometimes, we might get outcome that exceeds our initial expectation.


I think this applies to many other aspects in life as well. Don’t think too much!


山野一家 the Yamano family


I took the liberty to kick-start my Japan trip three weeks earlier before the adventure with Hoshino Resort by doing WWOOF with Yamano family in Kisarazu. WWOOF is a system to help in organic farms in exchange for meals and lodging.


In Yamano’s place, I helped out in bamboo work for stove and the construction of Tanbo Cafe (TANBOCAFE). I was also involved in the community’s New Year Festival which I experienced Japanese mochi-making and bamboo horse. In that three weeks, we had birthday celebration, DIY takoyaki, miso-yeast making gathering, played music, watched Elementary School Rope Skipping Contest and baseball practice.



 I also learnt how to make a backpack solar-charging device which I am now taking with me on-the-go, transforming my backpack into a mobile charger!


It was great experience to meet and to live with them in Japan.



Solo trip has its advantage as we have more flexibility in planning and I have had enjoyed many solo trips so far.


However, during my trip this time, sometimes it was quite painful to enjoy the great meals alone, taking selfie by myself and moreover having no one to talk to while other resort guests are mostly families or couples. Perhaps it would be great if report writers could meet on certain days to share our experience with one another!


I was glad that the resort staff chatted with me while on-duty, giving me opportunities to share stories about my country and my Japan trip. It also helped a lot having internet connection to share my joy and travelling experience via social media.


701私の旅行のほとんどは、特急日光1号と東北新幹線などを含め、JR東日本の列車で行いました。JR EAST PASSは旅行者にとって本当に便利です。列車はいつも定刻です!

Did most of my travelling with JR EAST trains including Nikko No.1 and Tohoku Shinkansen. JR EAST PASS is really convenient for travellers. The trains are always on time!

801スマホを使う旅行者にとって、旅行中にwi-fiルーターを携帯していることは、とても最高なことで、最適なルート検索や、SNSで「生の」更新を行うことができます。テレコムスクエアがとても早い4G LTE接続を提供しています!

Having wifi router on-the-go is AWESOME for travellers who use smartphone to find the best route and to do ‘live’ updates on SNS. Telecom Square provides very fast 4G LTE connection!

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