100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


美しい日本! Lovely Japan!


 It’s better to say that I have a whole new image for Japan after these three days.


I believe that there is a strong cultural principle in people’s mind. It’s so interesting for me to know why people act with perfect etiquette, especially for the service industry. With zero knowledge speaking Japanese, I think half of words in a sentence are for the etiquette. That’s appealing. And automatically influence my behavior as well. I feel like people are strict to themselves and serious about the rules and law. However, with a warm heart and nice smile to helping stranger like me, I received lots of apology for not speaking English but still useful information. What a friendly country!


素敵な交通機関ーJR東日本の目に見えない駅 Sweet Transportation - JR EAST invisible station



When I was heading back to Aomori Sta. from Hakkoda Ropeway Sta (13:45-15:12), I thought about checking out the AOMORI MUSEUME OF ART in passing. As a result, I wrote down museum on a note and asked the driver to make a stop for me on the way. The answer was no at first. However, after 10 minutes, the driver drew a map for guiding me to the museum and he stopped unprecedentedly for my convenience. It’s so sweet and touching for him to taking care customer considerably by all his best.


星野リゾート-私のベストチョイスです! Hoshino Resorts - my best choice ever!

301私は青森屋 と界 津軽の素晴らしいサービスと驚くほどおいしい食べ物ををほしいままにしました。これは旅行前は本当に期待していなかったことです。そして私は星野リゾートでの素晴らしい経験によって、日本の旅と素晴らしい文化に対する新しい理解ができたと信じています。特に私がトライした美食に対して。それらは絶妙で、非常においしかったです。忘れられない思い出になりそうです。

302Undoubtedly, I am indulged in the fantastic service and incredible food of Aomoriya &KAI Tsugaru. This is what really unexpected before the trip. And I believe that all the good experiences in Hoshino Resorts have created me the new understanding for traveling in Japan and the lovely culture. Especially for the gastronomic I’ve tried. They were exquisite and extremely delicious. I will say unforgettable!


I feel so thankful from the bottom of heart for this inspiring program and sure it is the reason for traveling back to Japan again!


伊藤さん Itosan

401界 津軽では最高の夕食を堪能しました。料理だけではなく、スタッフと伊藤さんのサービスが素晴らしかったです。全ての料理に対して、英語のメニューがあるにも関わらず、一生懸命に説明してくださいました。おかしかったのは、とてもお腹がすいていたので、鍋の中身を全部食べてしまったのですが、次の料理のためにとっておくべきだったようで、彼女は驚いていましたが、理解してくれました。私たちはみんなで、はははと笑いました。彼女は、このリゾートと二夜にわたるおいしい料理で感動させようとしてくれているのだと思います。みんなで自撮りしているときの彼女はかわいいです。


I had my best dinning experience when staying in Kai Tsugaru. Not only the food matters, but also the staff, and 伊藤(I will be really sorry if I write it wrong.) served us excellently. In every dish, she tried to explain to us with all her effort and understanding of English, even though we have English menu. And that’s one funny that I was so hungry and I finished all the things in the hot pot but it should be saved for next dish. She was surprised but understood. We all laughed then haha. I think she make me have more emotional connection with this resorts and of course the tasty food this two night. And she is cute when we together taking a selfie.



First of all, I feel grateful for all the involved people of this program and the effort they made. I had lots of fun during the trip and basically I am very satisfied.


Here are ideas in my mind

1.より良い英語でのコミュニケーション。 漢字が読めなかったら旅行は更に難しくなると思います。時折、日本語から英語を推測する力がほんの少し必要です。

1. The better communication in English. I believe that it will be harder for me to travel if I were not able to read Chinese. Sometimes, it needs a little bite talent to guess the English from Japanese.


2. The youth interaction. I discovered that most people who live in the resorts are older than 50. And I less contact with youth during my trip. It will create more power, passion and opportunity if we have more young people’s connection I guess.


801JR EAST PASSは、友人に日本で購入することをお勧めする最初のものです!

JR East Pass is the first thing I will recommend friends to purchase in Japan!
Always on time!!
The best transportation service I have in my life!!!
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