100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


今までと全く違った日本での旅行となりました。 A completely different trip in Japan.


I have gone to Japan twice before with my families and friends. However, this is my first time to travel in Japan by myself. Thus, I have more opportunities to connect with local Japanese people and experience Japanese culture alone.


Instead of following the tour guides, I thought it a better idea to travel Japan by yourself, as the transportations in Japan is very convenient and friendly to tourists! Besides, you can know more about Japanese customs, traditions, etiquette, etc.


My image of Japan hasn’t change. I still love to travel in Japan and I can deeply feel more about the local culture as I travel by myself this time.


八甲田山での素晴らしい体験についてです My amazing experience on Hakkoudasan.


It was my first time to see snow. In order to keep myself warm, I prepare lots of stuffs in advance, like gloves, mask, heat pack and scarf.


I feel a little bit nervous and so excited, cause I was going to arrive the top of Hakkoudasan by cable car! It was really a nice experience, The view of Hakkoudasan are pretty magnificent and breathtaking.


Although it was so cold that I consider I was freezing to dead! But I thought it was worthy and I’ll recommend my friend to visit 八甲田山 When I go back to Taiwan.


界 津軽での夕食はとても素晴らしかったです! The dinner in KAI Tsugaru are so awesome!

302私のメインタイトルにもあるように、界 津軽のホテルで夕食をとったとき、私は自分がロイヤルファミリーになったように思いました。

As what my main title mentioned, I thought I just like a royal family when I have dinner in KAI Tsugaru hotel.


I have never expect or image to enjoy the expensive and delicious culinary like that before. Besides, the service of the servers are so awesome! Sometimes I felt I just like a queen.


The sashimi are so fresh that make me felt very comfortable. In addition, the favor of the pan-fried steak was unforgettable! I just couldn’t stop eating it.



All the foods are so sophisticated and amazing! It was my first time to taste such a high-grade culinary.


11番バスの運転手 The driver of bus 11.


After visiting Hakkoudasan, I planned to visit Aomori museum of art. However, the route is a little bit complicated and I was not sure if I can arrive Aomori museum of art by bus 11. Thus, I asked the driver of bus 11. He not only drive me near to the bus stop of the museum of art, but also draw a small map for me.


I felt so touched at that time. Although Japanese people can’t talk English very fluently, but they will try their best to speak in English or write down some words to make you understand. So many Japanese people helped me to find the right direction on this trip, I felt very grateful and I’ll remember each of them.



I have nothing to complain with this trip! It was perfect and unforgettable! If you really hope me to say something that I don’t like, the answer will be the weather! Too cold in Aomori!


In addition, I will suggest Hoshino resort to add more varieties of hot spring pool or sporting facilities. It will make the entertainment aspect more perfect.


Sometimes, I found it hard to get to restaurants or somewhere to have meal in Aomori. So I Hadn’t have lunch until 3 or 4 pm.


The last one, I hope Hoshino hotel could have shuttle bus on the station until 6 or 7 pm. Thus, I don’t need to go back to hotel by taxi.


801JR EAST PASSを購入するのはとても重要です。新幹線やバス等で、どこにでも行くことができます。旅行者向けのよい割引です!

It was such a great deal to buy JR EAST PASS. You can go everywhere by Shinkansen and bus, etc. A good discount for tourists!

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