100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


美しい自然の中で生きる、礼儀正しい人たち Well-mannered people living in sceneric nature


It was better than my expectation. Nature environments are give us very sceneric views, and people are kind, of course.


Actually I lost many things during the trip. But all of them are in my bag now. It is incredible and unimaginable if I were in Europe.


With busy and tight schedule, I should have been more careful, but anyway, It was nice due to the staff’s efforts and safe environment in Japan. While I was traveling with all the people living their daily life, not only in touristic mode, I realized how well-mannered Japanese people are. They are harmonizing with the nature, and human beings from various backgrounds.


落し物について100%手元に戻ります。すばらしい! Lost & found; incredible 100% return!

201まず一つ目。私は界 津軽にテレコムスクエアのWiFiルーターを置き忘れてでてきたのです。シャトルバスに乗ってうきうきしながら、電車の駅にやって来たのですが、数分後、私がすっかり忘れていたWi-Fiルーターを乗せて、バスが戻ってきてくれました。

First I left my wi-fi router of telecomsquare on Kai tsugaru. I delightly came to train station with the shuttle bus. After a few minutes, the bus came again with my wi-fi router I totally forgot.

2つ目ですが、弘前市でJR EAST PASSを失くしたことに気付きました。幸いにも、私のJR EAST PASSはJR東日本 弘前駅の発券所にありました。確かに自分のものであるということを、書かれている情報をチェックして、きちんとしまいました。

Second I found that my JR EAST PASS is gone in the Hirosaki city. Fortunately my JJR EAST PASS was in the Ticket office of JR EAST hirosaki station. I could get it back, checking my personal information.


Third I left my bag on the restaurant’s table, but it was also well keeped and came back to my hand by the kind staffs.


雪降る温泉での夢 Dream in snow falling onsen.


After coming back from the winter Oirase keiryu tour, I went to Ukiyu onsen of Aomoriya hotel.
When I walked into the bathtub after a light shower, small and cold crystals came on my cheeks.
Yes, It started to snow. Alone in the snow falling bathtub in the middle of the japanese pond, I felt very relaxed and dreamy.


日常を熱狂的に生きる人々 People living enthusiastically their daily life


Even though I didn’t talk a lot with local Japanese people, I saw many Japanese people living their daily life.


This time I could experience real life of Japanese people. I rode on the JR train full of the people going home from their workplace and school. I saw mothers going to market to buy materials for dinner, grandfathers going to city hall, and elemantary school students playing with snowball.


One of the most impressive people were the men making snow sculptures in Hirosaki castle park. They were absorbed in carving, and it looked great that preparing for the local festvial.


Watching these Japanese people, I realized that this island is not just full of tourist spot, but a place that people live in many ways. Although there are many different situations and responses, one thing is clear; Japanese people are always kind and polite.



But there were some minor problems.


First, information announcement in local train was not enough in english. For me there was no problem because I can understand japanese. But if I didn’t know japanese, it might be struggling to take on the local train; which side to take off, how to open and close the door, when to pay on bus, where to sit in mixed car(free/ designated seat), etc.

2つ目に、滞在先と観光地がかなり離れていていたこと。観光地も滞在先もとても良かったですが距離がかなりあり交通の便が若干大変でした。 電車内・・・

Second, accomodation and tourist spots are quite far from each other. Tourist spots were good, and accomodation was also good, but distance is quite far and transportation is a little bit uncomfortable; interval of the trains…


Third, cities of Aomori prefecture were a little bit mundane, with not many exciting spots to see. Existing museums or concerts on the resort were exciting and eye-catching, but overall, there are not many things to do or see.



I could be conneced to wifi everywhere, everytime with Telecom Square wifi router!

JR EAST PASSにより、切符の心配なく旅行できました。

With JR EAST PASS, I could trael without worrying about train ticketing!

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