100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


豊かな文化、おいしい食べ物、親切な人々 Rich culture, good food and friendly people


As I have been to Japan before this trip, I am already quite familiar with Japan and its culture and so my impression has remained unchanged.Although this is my first time in Nagano, the experiences I had while in the region reinforced my impression of Japan as a land of beautiful natural landscapes and extremely friendly and hospitable people. Additionally, I have always liked the Japanese term “shokunin”, which roughly means a person wholly dedicated to a craft.


The attached picture here shows a soba dish I had in a restaurant (大丸) in Nagano city. The restaurant only serves soba noodles, and makes the noodles by hand. Of course, this soba dish was delicious. I think this experience reflects the Japanese spirit, that a person does not have be loud and flamboyant in life. By quietly dedicating your efforts to one single simple thing, a person can achieve a lot.


日本の冬の絶好の場所! Japanese Winter Wonderland!


201As I am interested in landscape photography, to me the most memorable experiences came from seeing the beautiful landscape of Nagano in winter. For example, on the way to the top in Jigokudani monkey park to see the monkeys in the onsen, it was snowing heavily. The landscape was extremely beautiful. Also, it was not crowded at all like many picturesque places in other countries. I could really walk and take pictures slowly in peace!


侍と忍者 Samurais and Ninjas


301To be honest, before I visited Matsumoto castle I did not think that I would be impressed. I had thought that it was just another castle, and Japan has many castles. However, the castle was actually very majestic and imposing in real life. Additionally, the castle has a rich and interesting history. The castle actually reminded me of those samurai movies of Akira Kurosawa, so much so that I was inspired to take a picture of myself sittig in my ryokan room like a samurai waiting for battle!


友情は言葉の壁さえ乗り越えるのです。 Friendship breaks the language barrier

501長野産デニムブランドを販売している「Google style」という長野市のこの面白い店に立ち寄る機会がありました。日本のデニム作りに普段から興味があることから、店舗に入り、見てみました。サービススタッフはエルビスのようなポンパドールの男性と2人の若い女性でした。わたしが日本語が少ししかできず、スタッフさんたちも英語が少ししかできなかったにも関わらず私たちはコミュニケーションを取ることができました。男性はデニム作りについて、一生懸命私に説明してくれたので、この衣類作りに大変誇りを持っていらっしゃるのですねと彼に言いました。見知らぬ二人が、日本のデニム作りに興味があるというだけで、大きな言葉の壁があるコミュニケーションを取れた事には、とても驚きました。また、女性は今年のミスユニバースジャパンの長野地区代表に選ばれた2人の女性とわかりました!

I chanced upon this interesting shop in Nagano city called “Googie Style” that retails Nagano-born denim brands. As I have always been very intetested in Japanese denim making, I popped into the shop to take a look. The service staff comprised of a man with an Elvis-style pompadour, and two young ladies. Even though I spoke little Japanese and the staff spoke little English,we actually hit off very well. The man did his utmost best to explain the denim products to me, and I could tell that he was very proud of the way the clothes were crafted. It was really quite amazing that two strangers with a huge language barrier could communicate so well just because we are both interested in Japanese denim making. It also turned out that the two ladies are nominated for the Nagano segment of Miss Universe Japan this year!



If I really had to choose something, I would prefer if more Japanese spoke English. There were indeed times when I really had something to tell a person that I wanted to get to know better, but it turned out that he or she had difficulty understanding me. For example, I was trying to tell a Japanese i met in a hostel cafe of my travel experience in Inner Mongolia, as I found out that she enjoys travelling too. However, due to the language barrier and despite my best efforts, I could see that she was not getting the entirety of my message, which included ways of getting to Inner Mongolia from the city of Beijing in China. However, I guess this language barrier actually spices things up in any travel journey, and trying to understand what a stranger is trying to tell you is part of the experience!



After a 6 hour flight, I needed my coffee in order to stay awake to enjoy the sights outside the window of the Shinkansen train from Tokyo to Nagano station!

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