100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


理解を深める Growing understanding


When I travel I ALWAYS try not to have any expectations about the place that I am going that way I will never get disappointed, Japan wasn’t the case. I always had this image of Japan being this super high tech central of the world and once arrived in Japan that is exactly what I got. I arrived in Tokyo, took a trip on the Hayabusa all the way to Shin Aomori the last stop. What better way to see Japan, I saw everything from big cities, with their impressive buildings to small town with a lot of fields. I would have to say that my view of Japan is growing in understanding and with that my desire to see more of it.


愛すべきタクシー Lovable Taxi

青森に到着したばかりでくたびれていたので、私は投宿先までタクシーに乗ることにしました。私の日本語は本当に初歩ですが私は運転手さんに目的地まで乗せていってくださいと言うことができました。私達はちょっと道に迷ってしまいましたが、界 津軽を探し出すことができました。この出来事を思い出深いものにしたのはそのタクシー運転手さんが、正しい場所にきたものか確認しようとして私を宿のフロントデスクまで先導し、私がお世話になる事を確認してくれた事です。

I had just arrived to Aomori and I was tired so I decided to take a taxi to my resort. My Japanese is really basic and I was able to tell the driver to take me to my destination. We got a bit lost, but we were able to find Kai Tsugaru, what made this incident memorable was that the taxi driver wanted to make sure I was at the correct place so he escorted me to the front desk of the resort and made sure I was taken care of.


食べ物!!! FOOD!!!


I love food! I think that for every culture food is a central part of their daily life. We can always bond over some delicious food. The food during my stay was EXCELLENT. It was probably the most delicious food I had in my entire life. I am not exaggerating. Aomori dishes are really delicious and I am going to miss it, when I return back home. I will never forget my wonderful meals at Aomori.


いつだって親切 Always helpful


From the Airport to Shin Aomori I encountered extremely helpful and kind people. While the customs officer at the airport checked my luggage we had a very pleasant conversation about my travel plans in Japan, usually a conversation during a luggage check is never pleasant but he made it a good experience.


The man from the JR EAST counter was very helpful and made my traveling to Aomori very easy. I already told the story about the very kind taxi driver and finally the Hoshino Resort staff always there to help and with a smile on their face a good attitude can always break the language barrier.



I couldn’t find one thing that I disliked. Everything was amazing, If I had to make a suggestion it would be to have more English signs on doors and in the Hot springs. As a foreigner I do not know the rules of Hot springs nor can I read Japanese. that would be my only suggestion to have more English signs and maybe a booklet explaining certain aspects of Japanese culture.


On a side note my airports experience outside of japan where awful and once I arrived in Japan I forgot all those bad experiences . I am really fortunate to be part of this experience.


301ああ、 新青森までの私の旅、はやぶさに乗って、JR EAST PASSのパスを手に

On the Hayabusa on mu way to Shin Aomorio with my JR EAST PASS!



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