100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本に対する最初の印象 My first image about Japan




It is my first time travelling in Japan and I am curious about almost everything. My impression about Japan is better. Japan is definitely a wonderful travel destination, with so many things to see and to do. Literally from the moment I arrived, I was buoyed by the graciousness, thoughtfulness, and generosity of spirit of the Japanese people. The scarcity of public garbage cans – which I always struggled to find – coupled with the incredible cleanliness of most public spaces, including the trains and subways also strikes me.
Generally speaking, Japan is a country worthy visiting again. I will definitely come back again.


私のチャレンジ My challenge


It’s my first time to ski in Japan, and also my first time to ski alone. I was so scared standing at the top of the mountain. In the end, I chose to conquer my fear and ski down. I have never been to a real forest for skiing before and the scenery alongside is really natural. After a few falls, I successfully rode down to the starting point. Knowing the course is not the easiest one, I still chose to go up and try again. For me, it is really a great challenge and a step forward.


日本人は本当に礼儀正しい Japanese are so polite



The way everyone uses two hands to present a bill or accept payment, a small, graceful showing of attention and respect, sticks with me the most. What’s more, the constant refrain of “Arigato gozaimasu!” (“Thank you!”), is usually repeated about several times for every transaction.
Japanese people are extremely polite, which shames me a little.


私の初めての食事 My first meal


I had difficulty with the self service order system at a ramen restaurant. It’s my first time to use this kind of machine and I can neither speak nor read Japanese. I just stand there and don’t know what to do. I let other local Japanese people to order first while I watch and learn. A Japanese who can speak Chinese saw this and explained to me how this machine works. I finally understand and placed my order with his and the restaurant staff’s help. Being my first meal in Japan, this dinner is really great and delicious.




I have thought about the question for a long time in order to answer it.
I think the only thing I don’t like is the fact that I am alone. Traveling alone seems less interesting with nobody taking pictures for me whenever I like. Sometimes I would like to share with others about my travel experience, but there is no one to turn to.
Not only fruits and vegetables are expensive, but it’s quite difficult to find them, at least in central spots of Tokyo, where I was walking. After all, it is a volcanic island, with little or no agriculture. It is my habit to eat fruits every day, even while travelling, so I must say it seems a little bit inconvenient to find fruit shops here to me.



トマムでのTelecom Wifiの使用電波はどの場所でも良好です。

Using Telecom Wifi at the Tomamu. The signals are great everywhere I have been to.


At the JAL flight from Tokyo to Hokkaido. The sceen shows the scenery.

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