100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


おもてなしの概念 The concept of Omotenashi


With “omotenashi” word as a basic image of travel in Japan, i wouldn’t expect less than i’d experienced. As a Japanese language and culture learner, i learned a bit about the omotenashi concept, which is now popularised as travel concept in Japan. But only read about it with zero experience will make it an empty understanding. Now that i’ve visited some parts of Japan and interacted with different kind people gave me a better understanding about this concept.


When i arrived in JR Shinano Omachi Station, i asked the tourist information about the bus to the ryokan, and one of the staff quickly running around to find the free shuttle driver while they asked to just wait inside the warm place.


笑顔の暖かさ The warmth of the smile


Before i flew to Japan, i made a time detailed itinerary, but this trip is my first time in Japan. So I tried to familiarize myself with “how-to-get-around-Japan”. On my first day i was supposed to arrive in KAI at 16:45 but i spent more time in Ueda Castle and Zenkoji, which resulting a late arrival. In my anxiety about being late, I also didn’t get to contact KAI staff. But when i arrived (at 18:30), the staff welcomed me with a nice smile and politeness.


懐石料理の夕食に和食の朝食 Kaiseki dinner and Washoku breakfast


The Japanese fondness of simple yet beautiful in almost everything they make and use is really amazes me. One of the sample is the Japanese food: the kaiseki dinner and washoku breakfast.


As a person who had work in kitchen before, i always struck in awe whenever the staff bring the dishes to my table. Not only it was beautifully put, but the taste and the creativeness was super. Even the one and two stars michelin restaurants in Europe I visited before seem lack in the tidiness. The dishes really show how precise and perfectionist the Japanese people are.


静岡から来られたお年寄り The old man from Shizuoka


I arrived in Matsumoto Castle at the same time with a group of 60 years old elder. So starting from the castle gate until exploring the castle, i was always with them, and kinda included in their small conversation.



On the way to the park exit, there’s a full-armed samurai which kindly posing for the guest to take picture with them. Since i was alone, i didn’t have anyone to take a picture of me with the samurai, so i just took a picture of the samurai and walked ahead. But after only 5 steps, from the opposite direction, two of the old man (from before) approached me and asked if i want to take the picture with the samurai and they’re willing to take it for me.
I didn’t get the chances to ask their name, but i did ask where they’re came from.



No one could be blame on how big Japan is. There are so much to see and visit in Japan, so time would never been enough, just like how my trip was. When I visited Nagano city and Matsumoto city, i wish i could spend more time exploring the city, because i’m the type to observe everything i came across. So when I was rushed by the time, i couldn’t enjoy the sightseeing to the fullest.


The distance between two cities also quite long. Sure shinkansen can cut the distance within short time, but for cities that can only be reached by local rapid train it isn’t quite nice. Since i’ll take some time to travel back and forth.



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