100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


敬意と寛容性 Respect and Inclusivity

image126 星のやでの3日間の滞在後、日本には想像していた以上にもっと多くの物事があると思うようになりました。ちょうど質問2で私が回答したことのようにです。日本人は自然と調和していると感じました。こちらに到着した時、私は日本人はどのようにして自然と調和をしてきたのかを知りたいと思いました。実際に自分の目で見て、日本人と会話をして、その理由は「尊敬」だと思いました。日本人は、空と地球、人間と動物、植物、昆虫、水、岩を尊敬しています。そのような理由で、日本人は常に友好的で優しいのです。

After the three days in Hoshinoya think Japan is more than I thought before.just like what I said in Question 2.i can feel Japanese are harmony with the nature.When I arrived here i want find out how Japanese did this.through my eyes and talked with Japanese,I think the reason is respect.Japanese respect the sky and earth ,human and animals,plants and insect,water and rock.thats why Japanese are always friendly and gentle.


And the inclusivity of Japan impress me also.wherever in Japan,the model and traditional is always together.in Hoshinoya taketojima the rooms look very traditional from out,corals path,red rooftop,rock wall,inside the room ,big bath,cd player,but I don’t feel strange,it’s really fascinating!


いままでで最高の贈り物です! Best ever gift I got!

image132星のや 竹富島に到着した時、Tagawa Naokiさんは私を出迎えてくれました。島を歩いて回っている時、私はパンダの故郷から来たこと、故郷にはブーゲンビリアの花があるということを話しました。シーサーはとても可愛くて、大好きです!

When I arrived at Hoshinoya taketomijima Tagawa Naoki san came to welcom me.when we walk around the island,I mentioned that I came from pandas hometown,and there are Bougainvillea flowers in my home,and Okinawa lion is very cute I love it so!


 At the evening when I finished my lovely French style dinner,the waitress bring me a surprise dessert!am I dreaming? i almost drop tears!its the best ever gift I got in my life!how I can ate them?i will always keep them and remember this moment in my life!


ドライブとハイキング Diving and hiking


Hiking and diving is two of my very important hobbies.in Hoshinoya kohamajima in the jungle adventure,we saw the huge leaves which Totoro use in the cartoon,this little girl and I hidden under the leaves pretend that we are Totoro.


Under the sea,I saw so many lovely fish!i have dived so many ocean around the world,I think Japanese ocean environment is very good!the coral is healthy,and wide variety of fishes.Okinawa really a dream land for divers.i will come back here again just for diving!


三味線の先生、河上美奈子さん Samisen teacher 河上美奈子


I met my samisen teacher at the last day.with her I spent the most wonderful afternoon in my journey!she is a very famous samisen performer in Okinawa .i believe she is always glamorous like 18 years old in her life.when I first time saw her,she wear kimono looks very elegant .the language barrier doesn’t stop our communication.i play 阮咸(a Chinese traditional instruments),so music helps us talk.I’m worry about I can’t learn samisen in a half hour ,she encourage me and teach me very patient.


After the course she invited me join the samisen practice with her friends.they are all great samisen performer.i appreciate very traditional samisen concert,and in the end,i sing a song and the play samisen for me,I never think I can make friends who we can’t speak to each other,music works wonders!


それはすごく難しい質問です。私は日本の嫌いなところは何もなく、本当にとても幸せな毎日でした。もし何か言うとすれば、日本にはなぜ1日が24時間しかないのかということです!満足するには時間が全然足りませんでした。滞在中は毎日この旅行をwe chat に投稿していました(中国版 facebook)。その投稿を見た友人たちは、日本に行きたいと私にコメントしてくれました。それが私にはとても嬉しかったです。日本は中国人にとって、人気の休日を過ごすスポットではありません。私は人々に政府と国民は違うのだと、認識できるようになってほしいです。中国と日本の友情が永遠に続くよう願います!

Well it’s the most difficult question.im really have nothing dislike in Japan .im really very happy everyday!if I have to say,I’m going to say that why there is only 24hours a day in Japan!its not enough for me.i hope I can stay longer and longer.these days I published my journey everyday on we chat (Chinese face book)so many friends told me that they want come to Japan after watched my news .im so glad for that,somehow, Japan is not hot holiday place for Chinese.i hope people can regnize that government and the people is different.i hope the friendships between Chinese and Japanese will everlasting!

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