100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本の南西にある知られざる自然美 An unknown natural beauty in the southest of Japan


Other than shopping and eating,it is worth to visit the nature and the history in Southern Okinawa, especially in Iriomote. There is only one long highway in Iriomote. Along the highway, you can find the wall built with dead reef, old house with historical buiding structure. It is difficult to imagine how clever old Japanese are that they make use of the remains from the sea and from the land to useful materials. Apart from the main river you pass by, you can walk next to the subriver to look for mangrove. It also brought you into the past by viewing the columns for old railway. It shows how hard the life of workers in the mine.


It is amazing that there are numerous gifts from the mother nature in Japan though there are major and well developed cities here.


海を水牛車で渡る Cross the harbour with buffalo car


During the research for my trip, I discovered a mysterious place to visit, i.e. Yubu Island. The major transportation is by buffalo car. It is a great experience to take a ride of buffalo car since it is rare all over Asia. I cannot wait for the ride in Iriomote in the third day. With the help of the staff, I got an early taste of this ride!


ライトアップ、そしてライトダウン Lights up and light down

夜をロマンティックにする照明としてランプが設置されているので、リゾナーレ 小浜島のビーチの本当にいい場所にいられれば最高です。空に輝く星と浜辺のライトで、波の音とそよ風を楽しみながら、暗闇の中で全く何もない自分自身を見い出すことができます。

Right best to the beach of the Book Cafe of Risonare Kohamajima, lamps are all setups for the romatic lighting effect at night. With the stars up in the sky and the lights on the beach, you can find yourselves completely nothing in darkness, enoying the sound of wave and the breeze of the wind.


The next morning, the weather turns good, I visited numerous site in both Kohama pirate beach and Taketomi like Kondoi beach and Nagaomi Tower. Views are gorgeous the you must not want to leave.



八重山観光フェリー事務所の頼りになる女性 The helpful lady in the YAEYAMA KANKO FERRY office

301まず最初に宿泊する予定だったホテル、リゾナーレ 西表島に行くためには、持っていたパスをフェリーのチケットに交換する必要がありました。急に、西表島の上原港行きのフェリーが欠航となり、大原港へ行く別の手段が、私には思いつきませんでした。カウンターの彼女は一生懸命日本語で説明してくれましたが、私は理解できませんでした。私が困惑していたことに彼女は気づきました。そのため、彼女は通訳ができる同僚に助けを求め、簡易版の案内書を渡してくれました。私は彼女の手助けを嬉しく思い、彼女と一緒に写真を撮りました。

To reach the first hotel, Risonare Iriomotejima,I was going to stay in, I need to exchange the ferry ticket with my pass. It is out of my sudden that the ferry to Uhera Port of Iriomote Jima is cancelled and I have no idea on the way to the alternative, Ohera. The lady tried her best to expain to me in Japanese which I didn‘t understand. She noticed that I was confused. Therefore, she sought help from her colleague for translation and offered leaflet for easier reference. I am glad to have teher help and invited them to take a photo with me.



There is no direct flight from Hong Kong to New Ishigak. In this trip, I have to arrive Kansai airport and then change flight to New ishigaki. It seems that it is a silly act. Unhopefully my flight delay for 45 minutes. Right after it landed off at Kansai airport, I hurried for checking out the Japanese Customs and headed to check in the next flight. Finally I am able to get on the fligt to New Ishigaki. For you who would like to go to Ishigak from Hong Kong next time, I suggest you to change your flight at Naha Airport through Peach.
You see, after hurrying for checking in and out, my face has turned red.



I successfully grab a minute to take a selfie with the Peach plane. Nonetheless, it was worthy to be in a hurry so as to get on board on ime!

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