100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


とても整然として、人々は礼儀正しく、美しい風景のある国 A Country of Extreme Tidiness, Polite People and Beautiful Scenery


This is my first trip to Japan so I have very limited ideas about the real life in Japan before the trip. I’ve only heard about some pieces of comments from friends who have travelled to Japan before. They say Japan is very clean, people there are very polite and everything is beautiful and cute.


Now I’m convinced that Japan is indeed very clean and tidy and I was surprised that the sea in Okinawa didn’t smell and the water was so clear.


The Japanese people are very polite and they’re a bit like the British people who never stop saying “Excuse me” “Thank you” and “Sorry”.


The scenery was very beautiful and the cultural traditions were preserved very well. I had seen the shisa only in anime before and now I saw the shisa almost everywhere in Okinawa.


キラキラ輝く夜空の星 Star Light, Star Bright


Star-shaped sand at Kaiji Beach, Taketomi Island. People here believe that seeing the star sand will bring you good luck. Seeing the stars at night in Risonare is another unforgettable incidence. I’ve never seen so many stars twinkling at night because in my hometown due to lighting and air pollution the night sky is blurry. In Okinawa, you can find constellations in the sky.
Besides, the candle-lit beach in Risionare was so romantic and relaxing. People walked along the beach with hand lanterns. All the lights were shimmering in the wind just like stars, creating a dreamy vibe.


素晴らしい食事と素晴らしい音楽 Great Food, Great Music


The French-style dinner I had in Hoshinoya was very impressive, not only the food but also the ceramics containers were carefully selected and were originated from Okinawa.So I had double enjoyment both from the food and the beautiful ceramics. Moreover,


I watched the Yunagi Live Music in Hoshinoya. The songs remind me of the tides and waves of the sea. Although I don’t understand what the singer was singing, best music has no language borders. It seems to have the magic of prolonging time so I can settle down and appreciate the nature.


献身的な職人 Devoted Craftsmen


The local craftsmen were very impressive. I tried weaving in Taketomi Folk Craft Museum. A senior lady named Shimanaka Sensei taught me how to put the thread in the correct place and use the loom. She spoke very softly and was very patient and friendly. She had excellent weaving skills. The sound she made when she stepped onto the paddles on the loom was very crisp and pleasant.


Shimanaka Sensei has been working on the traditional textile for around fifty years. Nowadays weaving is largely replaced by mass production, I think Shimanaka Sensei’s devotion to handcraft is very respectable in this fast-changing world.



This is my first trip to Japan and it has set such a high standard of enjoyment that I’m afraid I would be disappointed if I choose other hotels when I come to Japan next time.


If I have to pick one then I think the trip is a bit tiring. When I arrive at Risionare I was so tired that my brain cannot function. And the weather is so different between Osaka and Okinawa. I was chilled when I came out of the terminal building in Kansei Airport to board the peach plane. After arriving at Okinawa it seems I flew directly from winter to summer.



A selfie on the YAEYAMA KANKO FERRY. The ferry I was taking was called “Southern Paradise”. I think this is what Okinawa means to me.


View from the ferry, the sea was emerald green.

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