100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本はワイルド! Japan is 'wild' to me now!


I used to think of Japan as a place where people are repressed and stressed. Japanese people are polite – even when you’ve probably done something wrong. Foreigners who study Japanese culture quickly learn about ‘honmae’ and ‘tatemae’. So it feels almost as though Japanese people never fully expres themselves.


Over the past few days I’ve experienced a side of Japan that is more exuberant. Perhaps it’s the harsh, long winters that Aomori experiences. Perhaps it’s that Aomori is so far away that a different sort of culture – a different sort of civilization, almost – has developed. I’ve had the good fortune of listening to the tsugaru shamisen a few times, and each time I am blown away by how much passion there is in this music.
There hasn’t been a single sedate recital – every single one was characterized by great intensity.


刺身のおまけ! An extra slice of fish!


I love chirashi don, so when I was in Aomori I went to the Furukawa Fish and Vegetsble market for nokkedon. One stall keeper was very kind – I only had one voucher left, but was asking about a fish that needed two vouchers without realizing that it cost two vouchers. Luckily I noticed it just before she poured it into my bowl, and got two slices of mackerel with my last coupon instead.


Then the lady paused, looked at her fish, and then sneaked a slice of salmon into my bowl!


藍染学習 Learning indigo dyeing


Emiko san runs the Kawasaki Indigo Dye workshop in Hirosaki. I appeared at her shop completely unannounced and asked for a little lesson because I had read that you could, and she agreed to do one there and then even though I probably needed a reservation!




Emiko san seemed a little busy but she still answered my myriad of questions, running all over the place to fetch objects that helped answer my questions.


とても控えめな男性 A very humble man


Suzuki san is a lacquer artisan. We actually met while I was learning how to dye a handkerchief at the Kawasaki Indigo Dye Workshop; Suzuki san had popped by to pick up some dye to experiment with his lacquer work.


Later, when I walked past his work corner at the Hirosaki Nebuta Village, it was Suzuki san who recognized me and said hello. He showed me how the beautiful black and gold patterns on lacquerware are made. He showed me a photo in a magazine article featuring his master – there Suzuki san is, with his back to the camera, hard at work! “My teacher was a very fierce man,” he said, shaking his head.


Finally, Suzuki san gave me a gift – a lacquer sticker cut in the shape of a cat that he’d made. “Be very careful when you pull it off,” he advised.



Japan is generally well-connected, but in far-flung places it can get very difficult to find transport. At both resort locations it felt like I had to rely on the resort shuttle bus to get to the resort. This makes it quite inconvenient – having to plan schedules around shuttle bus timings, which allow for very few hours for sightseeing. I would also have liked to have been able to sight see at night. Taxi prices are prohibitively high so I avoided taking them! Maybe if they were cheaper it’d be okay to take them and not have to rely on the shuttle buses.


701行く先々でTelecom Wi-fiルーターは使えました!青い森鉄道のマスコットも大好きです!

Using the Telecom Wi-fi router everywhere I go! Even the Aoimori Railway mascot loves it!

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