100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


今、私はもっと知っています。 Now I know more.


103Yes, it has changed. I was in Japan two year ago, but only in big cities like Osaka and Tokyo. I thought that Japan looks like that, with big buildings, crowds, busy people but how wrong I was! This time I focused on nature, small towns, discovering temples and shrines, sightseeing, talking with locals, trying new food and I realized how little did I know about Japan. Japan has amazing landscapes, and you never get bored here. There are so many things to do and see. One day you can wander through flashy and loud Shibuya and the next day you can enjoy silence and stunning views in Kamakura.


電車旅行 Traveling by train


My most memorable experience was my train ride to Yudanaka. The views were breathtaking. I was taking many photos and people around me as well. I was surprised that on the very same day I was in Tokyo with sunny weather, and just two hours later I was inside the train going through mountains with a lot of snow around me! I didn’t know that weather in Japan differs through the regions so much.


私が見た最も美しい食べ物 The most beautiful food I have ever seen


302Experience of trying Kaiseki dinner will stick the most with me. I’ve never eaten so tasty and amazingly looking food. I remember the excitement when the staff served me many plates. Every dish looked spectacular, it was like an art! I also enjoyed the fact that the staff was explaining me what I was eating. It was amazing!


駅で会った素敵な女性 Lovely lady met on the train station


There was a lady I met on a train station in Tobu Nikko. She approached me and ask If I needed any help and we started talking. She was asking me why I came to Japan, where am I from and where am I going. She wanted to know some words in Polish and she repeated after me.
We had a very nice conversation, she explained me many Japanese customs, she helped me finding my train and at the end she gave me rice crackers! What a nice lady, sadly I don’t have any photo with her as I was focused on talking with her.



It can be difficult to travel by some local trains, because names of the stations are written in Kanji, but you can just ask a conductor and he will help. Luckily on a touristic route, like on a train going from Tokyo to Nikko all the informations are in Enlish too.

小さな駅にはエレベーターやスロープがないので大変です。私は今市駅の電車の人数・部屋数を変更 しなくてはならなかったのですが、荷物が重たくて大変でした!しかし、これは小さな駅だけです。他の場所では困ったことはありませんでした。

Lack of elevators or ramps in small train stations is a difficulty as well. I had to change train in Imaichi station, and with my heavy bag I had some problems! But that’s just in the small train stations, I didn’t have problems in any other place.


501JR EAST PASSを持っていて良かったです。これを使って新幹線に乗ることができました。素晴らしい体験でした!

I was very happy to have JR EAST PASS. It allowed me to travel by Shinkansen, which was an exciting experience for me!

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