100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


生活スタイルの異なる日本での体験 Experience the different living style in Japan


Before this trip, I have been to Japan once two years ago. In this case, I visit Tokyo, one of the biggest metropolitan in the world. In there, I saw the busy, rapid style.


But I’m very lucky to win the chance to go to urban region in Japan. In Aomori, I experience the luxury, lazing style, slowly taste the wonderful food, enjoying the onsen under the beautiful night sky. This made me see another living style in Japan.


So, this made me understand that the different city in the same country can be so much different. This change my image of Japan most.


青空の下で温泉体験 The Onsan under the sky


The most memorable experience is Onsen. In Taiwan, we will not take a shower before take the hot spring, and we wear swimming suit into the hot spring. However, in Japan, people only bring a small towel and take a shower in the crowd.


At first, these two things made me embarrassed. But all people did that, so I became not shy after 10 minutes.

青森屋では、息を呑むような空と巨大なねぶたに深い感銘ををうけました。界 津軽では、千年年齢の木材で作られた公衆浴場があり、これもまた私に心地よさを与えてくれるものでした。そのようなことがあり、温泉は一番忘れられないことなのです。

In Aomoriya, the breathtaking sky and giant Nebuta made me impressed. In Kai tsugaru, the public bath made from thousand-year-age trees, this also let me feel comfortable. So the Onsen is the best memorable thing.


優れた日本の食文化 The excellent Japanese food culture

303界 津軽では、「会席」と呼ばれる素晴らしい食事を味わいました。ただのディナーではなく、日本の文化を集結させた芸術作品でもあります。その全ては複雑で、色彩色豊かなものです。皿などの配置からスタッフの態度まで美しく清らかな眺めでした。このように感じさせてくれたもの全てがとても日本的で、本当に日本で旅をしているんだと感じました。以前は食べたくなかった刺身でさえも、美味しい食事に変えてくれました。刺身が大好きになりました!



In Kai tsugaru, I taste the wonderful food, called Kaiseki. It is not just a dinner, but also the work of art which collected all Japanese culture. All of its details are very complicated and careful. From the location of dishes, attitude of staff the beautiful snowy view. Everything made me feel this was so Japanese, and felt that I was really traveling in Japan. Even the Sasimi which I hated to eat before, also be changed into delicious food. I liked it very much!


優しいスタッフ The kind staff

401私が出会った山口さんは、とても優しい男性で、界 津軽に到着したその瞬間に、私のスーツケースを運ぶのを手伝ってくれた方です。私の乏しい日本語力のせいで、彼の話を理解出来なかったにもかかわらず、懸命にあらゆるホテルの情報を教えてくれようとしてくれました。
界 津軽で滞在していた時、まるで自宅にいるかのように感じさせてくれました。

The people I met, Mr. Yamaguchi, a very kind guy who help me carry the suitcase in Kai tsugaru at the first minute when I got there. Even I could not understand what he says, because my poor Japanese, he still tried to let me know every hotel’s information. In the dinner, he took responsibility for my foods. I felt like a VIP from start to the end. During dinner, he introduced every cuisine carefully. This made me know more details of Japanese food culture. I extremely grateful for Yamagachi San’s service. He made me feel I was at home when I stayed in Kai tsugaru.



Last year, I went to Tokyo, and I understood the English is not very useful in Japan in that time. In this time, I still felt so when I travel in the place out of Tokyo. Even I had heard for English ability was not very well in Japan, I still felt surprised about this, especially many hotels’ front desk. Many staff in the hotels’ front desk can only speak a little English. I think the modern and international city need more people who can speak English well to help the travelers to touch more Japanese culture. The photo is which Mr. Yamaguchi wrote for me since he could not use English to make me understand what he want to say.


701私は、はやぶさ、つがる、そして青森地方のローカル列車など、実にたくさんの列車を経験するためにJR EAST PASSを利用しました。お金を節約してたくさん楽しめました!!!!!

I used JR pass to experience so many trains, like Hayabusa, Tsugaru, and local trains in Aomori region. Save money and have a lot of fun!!!!!

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