100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


スマートフォンのトレンド! Smartphone trend!

101今回、日本人のほとんどの人が スマートフォンに変えていることに気付きました!1年半前に東京に行ったときは、ほとんどの日本人はまだ折り畳み式の携帯電話を利用していましたが、今回は、ほとんどの人がスマートフォンを利用していました。今回の旅行の前、JALエービーシーが無料で折り畳み式の携帯電話を貸し出していることが分かったので、借りれば、日本人のようになれると思っていましたが(笑)、携帯電話を借りた後、ほとんどの人がスマートフォンに変えていることを知りました!日本でスマートフォンがこれほど広まっていると思っていなかったので、とても大きな変化だと思います。

103This time I found that almost everyone in Japan change to Smartphone! I went to Tokyo one-and-half year ago, that time, most of the Japanese still used folding mobile phone, however, this time, almost everyone used smartphone. Before this trip, I found that JAL ABC can rent free folding mobile phone, I thought if I rent it, I can act as Japanese (laugh), but after I rent the phone, I found that most of people changed to smartphone! I think this is a very big change in Japan because I had thought smartphones will not be use so widespread in Japan.


The other changed in the image is that most of the people will read book or newspapers when they are on the train and metro, however, everyone play their phone when taking train or metro. This is also the big changed of my image of Japan.


ねぶたを楽しむ! That's enjoy the NEBUTA!


One of my memorable experience is the dinner in the second day in Aomoriya. The dinner is the Japanese food with the Nebuta show. In this dinner, I not only ate the Japanese food, the best is that my seat was set in the middle of the restaurant and the staff invited me to enjoy and play in the show. The special hat and the exciting atmosphere made me very memorable. I think this is the good show and everyone in the restaurant are all have a good night.


雪を見るのは初めてです! First time to see the snow!


On the second day in Aomori, I attended the tour to Oirasekeiliu with the hotel. This is the first time I see snow!!! It’s so amazing and so beautiful than I imaged. The waterfalls all became ice instead of water,and there were full of snow on the both side of the road. But this is not the best.






 When I went to Aomorishi  in the afternoon, there was heavy snowed! This is the first time I stand in the snow and make my snowman. It so unforgettable, I think this will stick with me for a long time.


旅行のガイド The guide in the trip.


I attended the tour to Oirasekeiliu on the second day in Aomoriya, we took bus in the tour and there was a guide, who is a girl, looks young, very kindly person. She told us many information of the Oirasekeiliu, although I cannot understand all what she said, but she told many useful information with her big picture on her hands. This made me can understand more about what she said even I can understand the Nihongo. When I have some questions with the trip with my poor Nihongo, she still answered me very passionate with smile. When every one was sleeping on the bus, she still did her best to told the knowledge she knew. I think she is a very good and kind guide. I loved her so much, and she is the best girl I met in this trip.



I think I disliked most in this trip is the insufficient streetlight on the road. Because I played late in this trip everyday, I had to walk by myself from the station to the hotel. But the streetlight are insufficient that the road are dark!!! I had to use light from my smartphone and walked very slow to avoid some accidents. I think it was dangerous and inconvenience for a girl who traveled alone.


Another disliked think is the air conditioner. Japan is very cold in the winter, so every indoors place have heating installation. But some place have too high temperature! This makes me sweat many times, and when I go outdoors again, I become more cold than before. I think this is the point to improve to the suitable temperature in indoors. Or it will be easy to get a cold.


701テレコムスクエアが提供してくれたTelecom Wi-fiのおかげで、幾つかの情報と電車の時刻表を楽に検索することができました。

Thanks for Telecom Square afford Telecom Wi-fi makes me easily to search some information and the time schedule of the train.

801青森は、街と街が非常に離れてましたが、JR EAST PASSのおかげで運賃も移動時間も節約することができました。

Because the city and city are very far from each other in the Aomori area, thanks to the JR EAST PASS, I save much money and time on transportation.

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