100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


いいえ、私のイメージは、青森に来て以降も変わっていません。 No, my imagination has no change since I come to Aomori.


My imagination of Japan has not been changed, when I have my first time to travel here. Actually, it is more than what I expected. The words are so limited for me to express. Aomori is not only a traditional city, it is also a modern city.


Aomori has a timeless traditional festival, Nebuta. I was so surprised with a small Nebuta dancing performance in Aomoriya, where I enjoy Nebuta dancing as well.

弘前は、弘前城で非常に有名な場所で、そこでは大きな桜や、サムライを見ることができます。私は、多くの古い家 (築300年以上) が立ち並ぶサムライの地区を訪れました。天気は雪も降り、かなり寒かったです。

Hirosaki is very famous of Hirosaki castle, where is the biggest Sakura (Cheery Blossom) viewing and Samurai. I visit Samurai district with many old house (more than 300 year-old). The weather is pretty cold, with snowing.


たくさんの面白い体験 Many intersting experiences


There are many apple here. Local people makes many kinds of food from apple. Apple here is the best of the world.


I visit Nebuta Warasee and have a chance to see Nebuta performance in Aomoriya. I also enjoy Nebuta dancing with Hoshino Resorts’ staffs. It was so funny.


Meet my friend, Abe. I met his daughter as well. She is so cute when we go sightseeing together

202三内丸山遺跡: ここには、日本の縄文宿泊対象期間時代の村を見られます。日本人がはるか昔の時代に、どのようにして生活していたのかを見る機会を得ました。

The Sannai Maruyama Archaeological Site: It shows the Jomon Period villages in Japan. I have a chance to see how Japanese people live in a long time ago.


温泉は日本の感動的な魅力の1つ Onsen, the wow factor of Japan

301もし、日本で何をすべきかと尋ねられた場合は、私なら温泉を勧めるでしょう。私は温泉が大好きなので、青森屋や界 津軽に滞在中は毎日入っていました。青森屋で初めて温泉に入った時は、「これこそが日本だ!最高!」と、頭の中で叫びました。夜に浮湯に入りました。そこには大きく光るねぷたの灯篭や多くの灯りがありました。ここは奇跡的な雰囲気です。露天風呂では、完全に解放された気分になれます。

When someone asks me about what should they do in Japan, I would say Onsen. I love OnsenThat is the reason why I take it every day in Aomoriya and Kai Tsugaru. The first time that I took Onsen in Aomoriya, I was shouting out loud in my head: “This is so Japanese! Yeah!”. I took it at night in Uki Yu. There was a big lightening Nebuta lantern and many lights. It is a miracle atmosphere. I am totally freedom in the outdoor Onsen.


驚くべき日本の人々 The amazing Japanese people


During my trip, I met many local Japanese people, who are very nice and supportive. There are three local that I remember the most.


402Abe is my friend, who is working for JR company. He shows me around the city, with explanations.

2人目は、大学生のOta Rinkaさんです。私は彼女と電車の中 (三沢から青森) で出会いました。彼女は、私が電車に乗るのを助けてくれたり、出身地の弘前について、様々な興味深い話をしてくれました。私たちは今でもLINEやFacebookで連絡を取ってます。私は、彼女がベトナムに来た時には、ツアーガイドを務めると約束しました。

The second one is a university student, Rinka Ota. I met her on the train (from Misawa to Aomori). She helps me to take train and share many interesting stories of her hometown, Hirosaki.We are now keep in touch on LINES and Facebook. I promised to be her tour-guide when she comes to Vietnam.


The last one is an old man, who is a volunteer working in The Sannai Maruyama Archaeological Site. He is not only share interesting information about The Sannai, but also sharing about life lessons.


 Thanks to these lovely Japanese local people, I have an unforgettable chapter in my life.



This is a very tough question, because I love every things in Japan during my trip. If I have to say one thing that I do not like, I would say the language barrier. It is very hard for me to communicate with local people. I want to talk to them to learn more about the culture. However, they do not speak English much. And, there are not much English information board in town. It is hard for me sometime when I want to find a place to visit. However, I always have helps from locals. They are always nice and supportive.



Thanks toJR-EAST, I have a change to see all the beautiful sights from Tokyo to Aomori. It is very convenient for me to travel around in Aomori.


I am on the way from Tokyo to Aomori by train.

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