100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


開発と保護の調和 A balance of development and preservation


When I went to the Narukawa Art Museum in Hakone, there was an exhibition about Maiko by Mr Taadashi Ishimoto. It is my first time to see artistic and high standard paintings in nude women. Japanese culture is less conservative that I thought.
Other than that, the image of Japan has not changed much since my trip.

今回の旅行で、私は箱根と熱海に行きました。空気はとても爽やかで、どの場所もとてもきれいでした。日本は、都市開発と美しい自然の保護との調和がよくとれています。近代的な建築物をたくさん見かけましたが、日本の文化は失われていませんでした。界 熱海で、芸者の芸を見ました。とても古典的で、とても楽しかったです。

In this trip, I have traveled to Hakone and Atami area. The air is very refreshing and everywhere is very clean. Japan demonstrates a balance between urban development and the preservation of natural beauty. I have seen a lot of modern buildings but the Japanese culture has been preserved. I watched a Geisha performance in Kai Atami. It is very classical and I enjoyed it very much.


河津のすばらしい桜 Lovely sakura in Kawazu


My most unique experience is the sakura festival in Kawazu! It is my first time to see sakura in Japan. The sakura trees grew along the two sides of the river. It is so pretty that I won’t forget about the scenery. There were some local shops along the trees. Many of them sold special souvenir related to sakura. Before I left, I sat down at a café nearby the JR EAST station. I ordered a cake roll with sakura flavor with coffee. It was very delicious!


神社で幸運を祈る Pray for good fortune in Shrine


301I went to the Hakone JinJa Shrine. It has long history and I felt very peaceful when I stepped into the shrine. I followed the tradition to wash my hands with the shrine water in the entrance. There were an area with a few thick white strings hanging from the roof. Japanese threw the coins into a box, then pulled the strings and rang the bell attaching to it, and they prayed. Couples, friends, family came to the temple together to pray for the good fortune. This is very Japanese!


界 箱根の親切なスタッフ A friendly staff in Kai Hakone

401私は界 箱根で饒さんに出会いました。彼はレストランのスタッフで、私に会席料理のコースを給仕してくれました。彼はとても若そうでしたが、自分の仕事にとても熱心で熟練していました。ディナー・メニューは日本語で書かれていました。彼から全ての料理について詳しく説明していただきました。彼はとても忍耐強く私の質問を理解しようとしてくれました。彼がいてくれたおかげで、すばらしい食事となりました。また、お互いの旅行経験や経歴について話し合いました。私は彼から日本文化についてたくさんのことを学びました。

met 饒さん in Kai Hakone. He is a staff in the restaurant who served the Kaiseki Course for me. He looks very young but he is very enthusiastic and professional in his job.I The dinner menu was in Japanese. He explained every dishes for me in details. He was very patient to understand my questions. I had a great time throughout my meal with his accompany. We shared our travel experience and our background. I have learnt a lot about Japanese culture from him.


At the end of the dinner, he brought me a surprise from the resort, a welcome dessert with Fuji mountain decoration! I was very impressed because it was specially prepared for me.



The large size lockers in Atami and Kawazu JR station are not enough. They were all full on the day when I travelled. In the end, I carried my luggage with me from Atami to Kawazu. I waited for half an hour in Kawazu to get an empty locker.

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