100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


いつものように親切 Friendly as usual


Though the japanese are friendly, the last experience traveling in okinawa taught me that speaking English may scare them. Therefore , this time, I always bring a pen and post-it with me. As I am in trouble to find something or place and the English service is not available, Chinese characters and body language gets important. Luckily, this time I can get the information I need from information center or locals.


At gora , I met a mother living there. As she knows that I am Taiwanese, she ask me to take out the pen and paper. At a moment, she dialed the phone and ask me to answer the phone. The one on the another phone is her daughter-in-law and she is a Taiwanese as well. I think this is the way talking with them but not shock them.


最高の景色 The best scenery worth to wait


This time I choose to travel in hakone sightseeing the beauty of mountain Fuji. However, just few days before journey, the volcano alert in owakudani rising and the typhoon Noul is around the corner. At first I think thought owakudani ropeway is suspended ,there still lake ashi to enjoy the scenery of mountain Fuji. However, the day I went to hakone, out of my expectation , the lake ashi was closed because of typhoon. Fortunately, lake ashi open finally and the weather is so comfortable. The scenery of mountain Fuji definitely worthy to visit.


投扇興は楽しい Fan tossing is exciting


In the first round of tossing game, I won! It is really interesting. At the beginning, I am quiet confused the way to decide who go first by using fan as Rock Paper Scissors. it is until the end of the game i understand the rules of fan tossing game. The judge gave point based on the way fan falling done is so interesting. What is more, the way the open fans is different form chinese fans and spanish fans. The teacher taught me to pull up and push right to make fan open.


冷凍みかんを食べたことのある子どもたち! Children who have eaten frozen oranges!

05熱海駅で温泉旅館「界 熱海」までの交通機関を探しているとき、JR東日本 熱海駅前にいた中学生の集団とボール遊びをしていた小さな子供たちが、紙を見ながら何かを探している私たちに気付き、私の背後に立ってのぞき見をしていました。彼らは少し恥ずかしがり屋に見えましたが、明るい笑顔で外国人を助けたいと思っているようでした。なんと、彼らの中には、家に帰って界 熱海への行き方を再確認してくれる子さえいました。

At atami station, as I am looking for the transportation to my hotel kai atami, a group of junior high students and little kids playing balls on the JR EAST  atami station square notice us taking a paper looking for something, sneakily standing behind me trying to see the context. They looked like a little bit shy but with sunny smile willing to help foreigners. Even one of them go back home double check the way to hotel kai atami.

彼らの数人が中学生であることは分かっていたので、私はすぐに、学校で冷凍みかんを食べるのかと質問しました。「もちろん」と彼らは言いました。私が質問した理由は、界 箱根では、温泉を楽しんだ後に、冷凍みかんが食べられると聞いたからでした。箱根はみかんで有名なのです。

As I know some of them are junior high students, immediately, I ask a question that whether they eat freeze oranges at school? Of course, they said. The core reason I asking is that as staying in hotel kai hokone after enjoying the hot spring, freeze oranges is available, and that the hokone is famous for oranges.



People enjoy a city’s prosperous and convenient do not mean everything is perfect.
Though the JR, Metro and other transportation are so handy, the scene train occupied with office worker daunts me a lot. The train in commuting time with crowded people stress me out. Especially by the time I have a luggage with me. The station staff pushing all the commuters into the train makes me feel stressful. Though I love to communicate with people, keeping a distance is significant. Shoulder by shoulder with others in a closed and crowded space, a sense of uncomfortable strikes me. I would rather wait for the next one.


JR EAST PASSはとても便利です。14 日間の有効期間のうち 5 日、日本で自由に使えます。それは本当に価値があります。特に、降りる駅をよく間違う人には!

JR EAST PASS is so convenient, five days at random within 14days in japan. It really worth it, especially for the travelers got off at the wrong station frequently !

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