100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


活気にあふれていて、自然があります。 Energetic and nature


In the past, I went to main town in Japan,such as tokyo,osaka,kyoto. For me,Japan is full of people,fashion,traveler,noisy. Even the walking speed is fast,just like the other country’s big city. But in this time,I am fortunately to visit okinawa area. I think this is a SIGN to tell me,please slow down and carefully observe the different Japan.


In these time,at taketomi jima and kohama jima,the place which animals are more than human being. People walk slow,full of nature emotion,you can stop to think nothing but just relax. So far here is still Japan,but totally different atmosphere.


Due to the past experience, I always think it’s hard to chat with Japanese people.. But this time, in okinawa area, I saw different Japanese people. They are very willing to chat and share stories with you.


世界はとても広い。 The world is so big


West Pier in taketomi. The ocean is so blue and crystal clear that I never seen before,and so does kondoi beach,there are many huge fish swimming beside me. They don’t afraid of people.


When I was walking on the West Pier,because of the ocean seems so wide, that makes me feel life is so beautiful,God gave us breath to feel all the great time in the world.


静けさの力 The power of serenity

05私が星のや 竹富島近くのビーチを散策していた時、おじいさんがそこで釣りをしているのを見ました。彼は釣竿を5本持っていて、海に集中していました。私はこれを見て、感動しました。

When I visit the beach nearby hoshinoya okinawa.I saw there is an old man fishing there.He has five fishing rods and he is focusing on the ocean.I was be moving by these images.
It looked like all the things are had it’s own symbiosis. It’s so harmony and inspire me.


心温まる友情 Heartwarming friendship

06星のや 竹富島で夕食をとっている時、初めてミミ(イシダ ミユキ) に会いました。彼女は私のそばを歩いて、全てのお料理を私に紹介してくれました。彼女はとても英語が得意で、他のことについても話すことができました。私は彼女に沖縄の方言で、ありがとうはどう言うのか教えてと頼みました。彼女はとても親切に英語と漢字とひらがなで書いてくれました。そして私がチェックアウトした後で、彼女はカードに「星降る空を見ることができるといいですね。」と書いてくれました。はい、竹富島の後に訪れた小浜島で星降る空を見られました。

When I have dinner in Hoshinoya okinawa. I met mimi(Miyuki Ishida) first time. She walked by me and introduced every meal to me. She is good at English so we can have another talk subject. I asked her please tell me how to say thank you in okinawa localism. She is really heartwarming and write down in English,Chinese character and Hiragana. And after I check out,she wrote a card for me and in the words”hope you can have a starry sky”. Yes, I have in kohamajima.


Mi fai yu! Please come to Taiwan and hope Taiwan can give you the same warm.



Everything is fantastic in this trip. The only one that make me feel upset is when you don’t pay attention,time goes by. Ishigaki,taketomi jima and kohama jima,these three islands gave me too short time to be with them.
I feel disappointed when I found out that it’s time to go back to the real life.
But I just know that I’ll be back again in the past,because these places are so suit to human being.


Very grateful that I can come this time,travel alone also give me more powerful to face the challenge in the future.
So keep going like the hermit crabs,keep growing up.



When I am nearby Ishigaki. I saw what the Charming view,so peaceful,like a wonderland.
It can’t be only describe by word,but must to see by yourself.


When I am taking Yaeyama Kanko Ferry. The wave makes me like playing Pirate Ship.
This experience is so new to me!

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