100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


のどかな田舎の風景 The serene countryside


Yes, my perception of Japan has definitely changed. Before I had visited this country I naively envisioned Japan as similar to how Tokyo is portrayed in movies and international media. This cosmopolitan image had eclipsed all others. And, yes, whilst this is certainly part of Japan, my travels through Nikko and Kawaji with Hoshino Resorts have opened my eyes to a completely different side of the country.


Both Nikko and Kawaji boast large expanses of serene, unspoilt countryside, with mountains, rivers and lakes, along with the odd temple, waterfall and charming mountain village. The vastness of these areas mean that at every turn there is a different view, surprise, and awe-striking moment. These mountainous hot spring areas are less than a couple of hours from Tokyo, yet the huge difference in atmosphere and scenery will leave you wondering whether you are still in the same country!


美しい食べ物 The beautiful food


I will particularly remember my train journeys up into the mountains. The view from the window was continuously stunning, and I was frequently amazed at how the trains could reach such remote and beautiful areas.

界 日光と界 川治での食事はとても素晴らしいものでした。各リゾートはその地元の料理を専門に出していて、ウエイトレスの人がテーブルに持ってきてくれた料理は全て写真に撮りたかったほど素晴らしいものでした!

The food and local cuisines I experienced throughout Japan were also striking. My meals always looked and tasted beautiful- and were usually really healthy as well! My dining experiences at Kai Nikko and Kai Kawaji were fantastic. Each resort specialized in local cuisines and I wanted to take photos of everything the waitress brought to my table!


私は中禅寺湖にずっといたいと思いました。 I didn't want to leave lake Chuzenji


Watching the sun go down over Lake Chuzenji was certainly a highlight. I am usually a city lover and enjoy fast-paced, brightly-lit skylines, but Lake Chuzenji’s calm, tranquil glow at this hour completely seduced me. Fishermen were slowly coming back to shore by row boat, birds were quietening down for the night, and the trees rustled in the gentle breeze. It was the perfect place to reflect and relax.


ほほえましい日本の学校の子供達 Smiling Japanese school children


I met so many kind, friendly and helpful people on my trip that it seems impossible to single out just one.


Instead I’d like to tell you about a group of people that I met at Kegon Waterfall near Lake Chuzenji. When I arrived at the attraction there were three different Japanese elementary schools visiting on a trip. In the UK this would make me turn around and come back at a later time, but all of the school children were incredibly polite, lined up neatly when taking the elevator down to the waterfall, and were very conscientious about other members of the public. They were also so happy, smiley, and loved taking pictures of each other and the scenery.


Some came over to introduce themselves to practice their English, which was great as a love meeting people from different countries and cultures- no matter what age!



I find this one hard to answer- perhaps the moment I disliked the most was my last day in Tokyo as I knew I’d have to return home soon.


However I can answer as to which was the hardest part of the trip. I am vegetarian, and found it very hard to find food which I could eat in Japan, as many of local cuisines focus on fish and meat. However people were very understanding and respectful when I explained my situation, and we always managed to find a solution. Hoshino Resorts were particularly good at catering for me. As well as having special menus printed in English to explain meal courses and sashimi dishes, they also specially adapted the menu for my needs- thank you!



My wifi router worked everywhere!

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