100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本の近代化とレトロについての印象 The impression of modernization and retro in Japan



 In my image, Japan is a very modernization country. Especially in Tokyo, there are many highest building and kinds of transportation. And Japanese are busy and serious in my image. During this trip, the image of Japan is totally changed. Through traveling in Nagano, the view, culture and building in my sights are traditional, but their transportation also convenient. Every attraction was easy to get there. Therefore, Japan is not only modernization but also traditional. They strive to keep their traditional culture continuing and innovating. And everyone I met in this trip was very kind and friendly. When I have some problems about arriving to destination, they will offer more information and be enthusiasm. I think that is the reason why many foreigners like to travel in Japan.


目の前で起こった感動的な出来事 The touching moment in front of my eyes



When I arrived Snow Monkey Park’s entrance, I started walking along the road. I felt comfortable because of fresh air and nature music. At that moment, I found a snake was moving near by my feet. I was shuck about this area was naturally. After that, I couldn’t help but being excited. Many monkeys appeared in front of my eyes. I found there have many monkey mothers who were breast-feeding her baby. And the other sides, two of them were playing in the hot spring.Every scene in my eyes was interesting.


上高地で学んだ、シンプルな幸せ A simple of happiness come from Kamikochi


I woke up early to prepare to go to Kamikochi. After I got there, I couldn’t believe the scene in front of me. There was so beautiful and magnificent. I took many pictures and recorded the video there. There has nature geographical landscape. I felt my spirit was washed by that landscape. I met with three older during the road. They looked like about 60-70 years old. They were very friendly to chat with me. And the interesting thing is that Japanese would say “hello” to people whom passing by them. It’s a nice way to be friendly.


言語によって、別の違ったライフスタイルを送ることができました。 Language made me having another different lifestyle


It was my lucky day in this trip. I took shinkansen from Tokyo to Nagano. My first attraction was Zenkō-ji. After that, I was going to eat the famous snacks named oyaki. I saw people who sit next to me were eating miso ice cream. I was curious about that miso ice cream’s taste was sweet or not. Then I asked them was it sweet? They replied me that was made in soybean as a base. It was the first time to chat with Japanese in three language including Chinese, Japanese and English. I told them the reason why I was come here. They said I was a lucky person. No doubt, I was really lucky to join this project and was selected. They decided to drive me to the Snow Monkey Park. That made me felt Japanese enthusiasm and became unforgettable memories in this trip.



In this trip, the dislike thing is that my schedule is too full to enjoy the whole time. Sometimes I have to make sure my second day’s schedule and transportation is correct or not. Because I want to travel lots of attractions in the same time. First day, I met the other Taiwanese who also join this project. We ate dinner together and have a nice chance to share experience in Japan. I was happy to share with someone about my trip. But second day, I ate dinner alone. I felt a little lonely. So I chat with service when she served the dish every time. So that made me understand sharing with people is happiness.


IMAG4705特に初めて訪れる観光地に旅行するときは、Telecom Wifiがとても便利です。Telecom Wifiを使って、オンラインで情報を素早く検索することができます。

Telecom Wifi is very convenient for me to travel to attraction where I have never been. So I can use this rental Wi-Fi to search the information online quickly.



JR transportation is important. I can go to some places far away from Tokyo. To book and check the timetable easier in the JR EAST TRAVEL Service Center. It’s convenient to me.

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