100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


さらに良くなりました! Better & Better!



Absolutely! My image of Japan was better and better day by day! All the streets in Japan are neat and beautiful, so that I just feel comfortable even without doing anything or visiting any special views. It is not turgidly to say that I think maybe every photo that I took casually can be made into postcard. And Japanese are extremely kind and warmhearted. Everyone that I ask, no matter he/she can speak English,Chinese or not, he/she did his best to let me understand. After explaining, all of they said “have a nice trip in Japan ” to me. That really touched me.


切符についてのエピソード A Story of Ticket


When I went to Lake Ashinoko ,I bought a sightseeing ship ticket for a round trip . However, I realized the ship stopped on a port which was not I started,and all the visitors got off. I was confused and then asked a staff. He looked my ticket and told me that this ship wouldn’t go there. After that,he took a bus ticket for me so that I didn’t need to pay for it. Then he took me onto the bus . I was so thankful.


神社にある全てのもの Everything in the Shrine

image50日本には非常にたくさんの神社があります!きっと日本の文化の重要な一部なのだと思います。私は箱根神社に行きましたが、そこにある全てに感激しました——建築、仏像、鳥居、可愛らしい巫女さん。地元の人がするようにしてみました。彼らが手を洗えば、私も洗う。彼らがお辞儀をすれば、私もお辞儀をする。面白かったです!こうしたこと全てによって、ある気持ちがひしひしと湧いてきました: ああ!私は本当に日本に来ているんだ!

The are so many shrine in Japan! So I believe that must be an important part of Japanese culture. I went to the Hakone Shrine, everything in there was special for me: the architectures, the figure of Buddha, the torri, and the lovely Miko etc. I followed the local people, they washed their hands, I wash mine, they made a vow, I made a tow too. That’s interesting! All of these made me have a real feeling: Oh! I’m really in Japan!


界 箱根のイセさん Mr. Ise in KAI HAKONE

image実際、たくさんの地元の人に会いました。みな印象深かったです。例えば、界 箱根のイセさんやコバヤシさんのように。箱根の人々は非常に、非常に親切でした。
イセさんほど面白い人に私はこれまで会ったことがありません。私が界 箱根に着いた時、すでに時間が遅くなっていました。夕食の間中、彼は笑顔を絶やさず、「緊張しないで」と繰り返し言ってくれました。私が落ち着かなかったり、緊張したりしないようにという配慮です。彼はずっとおしゃべりしてくれました。長い間会っていなかった、友人と話しているような気分で、私を暖かく幸福な気分にしてくれました。本当にありがとうございました。

In fact , I met a lot of local people who were impressed me, Mr.Ise and Ms.Kobyashi in KAI HAKONE for example. All the people here are really really kind.
Ms. Kobayashi’s Chinese was very good.This was the first time that I came to Japan. She made me felt like I was still in my mother country by speaking Chinese.
Mr.Ise was the funniest person that I had ever met. It was late when I arrived at KAI HAKONE. He kept smiling during the dinnner, and he told me “don’t be nervous” again and again so that I didn’t feel any uncomfortable or nervous. Oh! He kept chatting with me, too. That looked like a conversation with a friend who I hadn’t seen for a long time. He made me feel warm and happy. Thank you so much.



It’s really difficult to find dustbin! So I have to keep my garbage until I find the dustbin. In fact, I usually failed to find them. Therefore,I must keep the garbage all along, and throw them in the hotel. One day , I bought an ice cream. after I finished it, I put it in a plastic bag, and then put plastic bag into my bag. Unfortunately, when I got hotel, the leftovers leaked out in my bag…However, even if I said it was not convenient that too few dustbin on the streets, I still like here. And I think maybe this convenient thing probably is the reason why the street here are so clean.


image3JR EAST PASSを使って成田エクスプレスに乗りました。

I was on the Narita N’ex with JR EAST PASS.


The Wi-Fi router from Telecom Square was so convenient and useful.

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