100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


もてなしの国 A country of motenashi


Before I come to Japan, I already know it’s a country for famous motenashi. But learning things from books for sure is different from practicing and experiencing by oneself. During my first trip in Japan, the motenashi spirit of Japanese people really impressed me. It started from the JAL flight I was taking to Japan. In the entertainment system, I found a special playlist named flower songs which is prepared for spring period. On the way to destinations, all railway and bus staffs are nice and helpful, trying their best to explain transaction information to me. And last but not least, staffs in hotels and ryokans is the best expression of the word motenashi. Before my departures, I’ve already thought about coming back again.


JALでの体験 JAL experience


I was taking a JAL flight to Japan. During the flight, I felt a little bit uncomfotable on my leg. The flight attendants took care of me when they knew the situation and arranged airport wheelchair service for me. After I got off the plane, a airport staff named Yamaguchi had already waited for me, with a wheelchair. On the way to JR service center, he chated with me and try to make me relax. Without help of these kind Japanese people, maybe I would start my journey with anxiety. I would like to say arigatou to these people again.


自然の中で温泉を楽しんだことです Enjoy onsen in natural

IMAG1630初めて体験した日本での温泉体験は忘れられません。中国式の温泉の楽しみ方と日本式の楽しみ方では、全然違うのです。中国では、温泉に入るとき水着を着用する必要があるのが普通です。でも、日本では、何も着用せず、全身をさらすのです。長い一日の旅行が終わった後、私は界 日光で30分間野外温泉につかりました。その日は雨でした。温泉につかり、雨音と蛍が飛ぶ音 (これは驚きましたね!) に囲まれ、疲れが吹き飛びました。

I won’t forget my first onsen (hot spring) experience in Japan. The Chinese way to enjoy onsen is quite different from Japanese’s. In China we usually need to wear swimwear in onsen, but here we wear nothing, releasing the whole body. After a long-day trip, I spent half hour in the ourdoor onsen in Kai Nikko. It was a raining day. Sitting in the onsen, surrounded by the sound of rain and flying fireflies (big surprise!), I got total recovery from the tiredness.


戦国時代の大ファンと出会いました。 A super fan of sengoku jidai


During my stay in Nikko, I visited Toshogu shrine. I was told due to the renovation of Yomeimon Gate, Okariden Hall is specially open for public for a while. So l took the chance to see the inside of Okariden Hall. There I met a Japanese gentlemen, who was a big fan of the Sengoku Jidai, and studied that period in-depth. He traveled a long way here just for taking the precious chance to see the inside of Okariden Hall. During our chat, he told me the place I was standing was not allowed people come in and sit except for daimyo. Later he also explained me the painting on the wall. It’s a pity taking photo is forbidden in the Hall. Otherwise I can show you how we did monomane of daimyos together.



Traveling in Japan is a pleasant experience. But there are also some parts might need to be improved to help foreigners get to know Japan much better. First part is about the language. I can speak a little bit Japanese, so language is not a big problem for me. However, during my two-day trip in Nikko, I encountered severval visitors who were confused with traffic, instructions in museums, etc. and helped to translate from Japanese to English for them. There are lots of beautiful things in Japanese culture. It ia a pity foreigners cannot get a comprehensive understanding of Japanese culture because of language. The other thing is about waste bins. Throwing different kinds of waste separately is a very good and environment-friendly habit. But in some sightseeing places, there are only Japanese instructions on the waste bins. This would confuse touristers who don’t know Japanese.



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