100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本はいつも私を驚かせてくれます! Japan always give me surprise!


This is not my first time to visit Japan. When I want to go abroad for a little trip, I still choose Japan as a first choice. Why? Because there are so many beautiful scenes, culture, food and nice people that I want to experience again and again, just like shrine’s festival and Ramen.


In this time, I think Japan improve their tourism very fast and very well. In last two years I went to Japan, there was no elevator and escalator in many stations but this time there are elevators and escalators in most of stations. Moreover, every attraction has excellent brochure and map so this is very convenient and happy to visitors.


Most of stations have the information center. I’m really surprised that the staffs’ English are pretty good. They are all sweet and enthusiastic about introducing the attractions’ information.


7年毎に行われる善光寺のご開帳 Every seventh year special event Zenkoji Gokaicho




I went to the Zenkoji for the special event that every seventh year they hold named Gokaicho.
Even on the weekday, Zenkoji was crowded with people. And there has a large wood pillar standing in the middle of the square in front of the main temple. Everyone wanted to touch it for getting the fortune so you can see people squeezed to touch the pillar. It’s cool view just like Taiwan’s custom, Incense race.
I also touched the pillar too so maybe I will be lucky for next year!!


界 松本 - 浅間温泉 Kai Matsumoto - Asama Onsen

03和室に宿泊したのはこれが初めてでした。界 松本は浅間温泉内にあるため、幸運にも自分の部屋に専用の温泉がひかれていました。ほかにも、界 松本には貴天と祥雲という湯殿があります。

This is my first time to stay in the Washitsu. Just Kai Matsumoto is in the Asama Onsen district so I’m so lucky that I had famous private hot spring in my own room. Besides, Kai Matsumoto also have Takama and Shouun.


After bathing in a variety of hot springs, I sat on the electric massage chair. Oh! It’s amazing! The fatigue ran away. It relax not only my body also my heart.

ということで、私は浅間温泉と界 松本がとても気に入りました。いつか、親を連れて、ここで素晴らしい旅をしたいと思います。

So, I like the Asama Onsen and Kai Matsumoto very much. I will be back for awesome vacation with my parent.


松本城の英語のボランティア・ガイド English guide volunteer for Matsumoto Castle


When I went to Matsumoto Castle, there have English guide volunteers.


My guide, Yoshiko, provided the interesting guiding for castle that I didn’t have this service when I went to other castles. Her English is very well so we had a nice chat.



Because of her introduction, I knew the history, story, legend and the detailed function of every construction. Besides, she gave some little cute quizzes to add some interaction with me, not just her talking all the time, so that I have a deep memory for these specific parts. It’s very impressive.


After the guiding, she gave me the handmade souvenir, cute paper umbrellas and paper cranes.
It touched my heart. It’s so sweet for foreigners to have such kind experience.


06ホテルではロビーでしかWifiが利用できませんでした。私は部屋でビデオチャットをしたり、友人と旅行を共有したりしたいので、これは便利とは言えません。ですから、これには本当に困りました。テレコムスクエアのTelecom Wi-fiのおかげで無事解決しました。

Hotel’s wifi is only available at lobby. It’s not convenient to me because I want to have a video chat or share my trip with my friends in my room. So, this really disturbed me. Thank TelecomSquare WiFi for solving this problem.


The climate is too dry for me. My hands need the hand cream and my lips need the lip balm and my nose was a little blood inside. This is the uncontrollable element because the climate is different from my country.


Except for the technology problem and climate, everything is wonderful. It won’t be the annoying reason for not visiting Japan. I still really like Japan.



WiFi is good helper to check time table and map when I was moving. Although it’s not working in some area, it didn’t affect its credit.

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