100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本を旅行する際には、マスクなんかは取り払ってください Traveling in Japan, please take out the mask


Urban, subway, suit, technology and bank, they are the first list of keywords of Japan in my mind. When I left Tokyo, I saw the green forest everywhere; I heard the sound of stream everywhere; I came across temple everywhere; I met friendly Japanese everywhere, I known that was real Japan.


 When I saw many Japanese families had their own garden outside the house, I felt admire how could they make the life so beautiful. Taking out the mast of city, I could feel that nature was what the most Japanese seek in their whole life. Thus I think the complex technology is just the appendant which cannot represent the whole Japan.


目的地に到着するのに4時間遅れる 4 hours late for the destination


14One day I wanted to go to Mitsutoge station from Ordawara. From the map it seems not very far. So I got the JR railway happily, expecting arriving at 13:00. Then after exchanging some lines, when I reached there, it was 17:00, so I could not do anything. As a result, I known that the JR railway system covered not only the city area, but also including far place from big city. It is convenient for the whole country, but sometimes bus is quicker than the train way.


日本の食事vs日本の芸術 Japanese food vs. art


Japanese food stick with me most. The beautiful outlook, delicate cooking and nice service impress me very much. In fact, some kinds of RICE SET are simple, but the cooker gather one bowl of rice, one bowl of soup, some plates of pickled vegetables and a pair of chopsticks on a wood salver, making it seems like a work of art.


日本人は漫画好き? バーテンダーのタカシ Japanese favorite comic ? Bartender Takashi


One day I lived in a Japanese apartment. The host Tatashi is a bartender. He has long hair, so the first sight scared me a little. When I came to his room, he served me like other Japanese with enthusiasm which came me down a lot.


He used poor English to described how to travel around Hakone and Odawara. The conversation was difficult, but Tatashi never lost his patient. Then he showed me his three bookcases full of different kinds of comic, which made me think of one day when I saw an old man reading the comic book one the subway. How Japanese like the comic so much!


Because he worked at midnight, so he didn’t send me out the next early morning. But I saw his message on the board when leaving. In all, I can feel that the long hair boy is that nice Japanese.



As for dislike, it is hard to say. But I found that most Japanese can’t speak English very well because of the pronunciation. So “very”, “sorry”… when the word contains the character of “r”, they always make it like “l”. The first few days I am confused about the transportation, when asking the native, they could understand English a little but could not describe what they really want to say. So maybe I should learn some Japanese language before I come here the next time. But in all, I do not think it is very important for Japanese to improve their English. But if they can pronounce more clearly, it would be better.



So do you know why I wear a cap on the JR EAST train? Oh! It is because I do not have a wonderful haircut!


Leaving off Tokyo University

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