100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


千里の道も一歩から。 A thousand miles begins with a single step


This is the first time I travel abroad by myself. To be honest, after searching some related travelling information on the website, I was so nervous because I don’t know Japanese anymore and the transportation in Japan looks complicated, I was afraid that I will get lost in the city.


During the trip, I totally changed my mind and get rid of any unnecessary fear. No matter in the hotel or on the street, every Japanese I met are pretty kind and hospitable. They all try their hardest to give me a hand. I completely realized that language is not an obstacle between people. The most important factor is to be brave and open minded. Step out off comfort zone is not that kind of difficult, just take your own bold action now!


誰にでも、とっておきのストーリーがある。 Everyone has their own splendid story


In the second day of my trip, I met a cute girl from China, we got familiar soon and share our own travel experiences excitingly during the dinner time. The next day we explored Atami city together and found out more of each other.
Everyone has their own splendid story. How a beautiful incident it is.


日本の美しさには何も敵いません。 Unrivaled Japanese beauty

0304熱海の自然の美しさに、私は釘付けになってしまいました。界 熱海の青海テラスからの海の眺めは絶景で、リゾナーレ 熱海から見た美しい日の出は、素晴らし過ぎて言葉では言い表せません。

The natural beauty in Atami stuck me most. The extraordinary ocean view from SEIKAI TERRACE in Kai Atami and the gorgeous sunrise scenery from Risonare Atami is too amazing to describe in a word, it was really a priceless experience in my life. I was truly addicted to be embraced by these Japanese exclusive landscape.


世界は意外と小さいもの。 The world is not too big


He is Naofumi Kobayashi, just graduated from college. We had met each other at the language school in New Zealand one year ago. He is really funny, we had built tight relationship at that time and still kept in touch when we went back to our home country but I never thought we could meet each other again.


When I knew that I had an opportunity to visit Japan, I contacted him immediately in an excited mood. To my surprise, he promised to meet me without any hesitate. He guided me to the Disney Land, my dream paradise since childhood. It was amazing there! With his company and all attractions in the Disney Land, I felt that I was the most blessed person in the world.



Honestly, I was so fully satisfied in this project. Thanks Hoshino Resort to give us this opportunity to explore Japan by ourself and experience high-quality hotel service.

ですが、この旅行について嫌だったことを何か言わなければいけないとすれば、これはある意味「ラッキー」だったのかもしれませんが、私が界 熱海に来た最初の夜に、台風も一緒に来てしまったことです。ひどい雨と強風で、数分間停電にもなりました。外の天気はあまりにひどく、夜の景色は一切見れませんでした。幸い、次の日は晴れたので、心置きなく美しい自然を満喫できました。

If I need to share something I disliked about the trip, I would say that I was really “lucky” ,because typhoon came with me in the first night in Kai Atami. Heavy rain and strong wind even caused few minutes power cut and the miserable weather outside was hard for me to see any night view. Fortunately, the next day it became sunny, ultimately I could completely immerse in this significant natural beauty.


11JR東日本のJR EAST PASSには、とても感謝しています。たいへん便利な乗車券でした。この乗車券があれば、行きたい所にはほとんどどこにでも、行くことができました!

A great thank to JR East to provide five-day pass, it is really convenient during the journey. I could almost arrive everywhere I wanna go by using this pass!

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