100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


見た目は真面目で、内面は穏やかで優しい日本人 Serious outside with soft and kind inside


After I finished an one hour walk at Matsumoto Kiyoshi, it started raining. And when I finally get on the JR railway, I had some wet with all my things, such as my backpack, luggage. I sat beside on a elder man who was reading the book. I had dart a look at him when sitting down. He looks that a serious teacher. Then after two or three stops, he told to me unexpected. He said he would like to switch his seat to me. Just with the purpose of letting me to put the luggage on the wall. So that I can take a rest without caring my luggage slide.


立山黒部まで登って行くケーブルカーに危うく乗り損ねるところでした Almost miss the cable going up to Tateyama Kurobe

03初日のホテルが大町温泉郷にあることを知り、ワクワクしてました。それは、立山黒部はこのエリアで有名な山だからです。しかし、私が5月12日に星野リゾート 界 アルプスに到着した時に、スタッフの方がケーブルカーが故障していることを教えてくれました。また、いつ再開するか誰も確信が持てないと言われました。この悪い知らせを聞き、予定を変更して代わりに5月13日に上高地に行きました。しかし、5月14日に朝食を終えた後、ケーブルカーが再開したことをスタッフの方から聞き、その日に立山黒部に行く事ができました。良い知らせは晴天とともにやって来るものです。

When I know that my first day’s hotel is in the Omachi Onsen Kyo, I start to be excited. Because Tateyama Kurobe is a famous mountain in this area. But when I arrived at Hoshino Kai Apls on 5/12, the staff told me that the cable was broken. And no one can ensure when will the cable open. Because of this bad news, I changed my plan. So I went to Kamikochi on 5/13 as a replacement. But after I finished breakfast on 5/14. The staff told me that the cable reopen. The good news comes with fine weather!


心のコミュニケーション Communicate with Heart


When I was going down the Tateyama Kurobe, I sat near a grandmother. She asked me where I come from first. I can’t understand Japanese well. And she isn’t good at English. What I can do is to concentrate on what she try to chat with me. In this 30 minutes ride, I showed her the stamps I collected before, and she told me some her experiences on this place. In the end, we need to say goodbye, she said, “Jya Ne.” to me. It’s really a precious experience from this trip.


特別な通訳者 A special translator

04お餅を食べたあと、星野リゾート 界 アルプスでもう一つの課外活動がありました。それは星を眺めることです。スタッフの方は私達を、ホテルから少し離れた場所へ連れて行ってくれました。

After eating rice cake, there was coming up to another activity at Hoshino Kai Apls. It is stars viewing. Then the staff took us to a place where it is a little far from the hotel. There were five people on the car except the staff, a couple form China, a Japanese couple, and me. When we arrived the star viewing place, the staff spoke quickly in Japanese. After the staff finished what he wanted to tell. The Japanese madam started translating what the staff said. The Japanese madam tried her best to translate for me. This really dose surprise me.



In my country, people use and wont to keep on the right side. And also, I know that in Japan people are wont to keep on the left. But in some escalators, people here sometimes stand on the right and sometimes stand on the left. This condition makes me confuse. Exactly which side is correct? Should I stand on the right side, in order to let people who are in a hurry pass fast on the left? Another condition is that at some sightseeing districts the mark on the floor tell you the sequence way is to keep on the right. And if the sightseeing place has too many people so that I can’t see the mark on the floor. Then I will still keep on the left. That makes me in the wrong side.



The best hotel and service I ever meet.

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