100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


はい、今回の旅行のあと、私の持つ日本のイメージは変わりました。 Yes, my image of Japan has changed after this trip.



In my previous experience, I have mostly been to big cities such as Tokyo, Kyoto and Sapporo. Despite the differences, these cities are all very similar in that as a tourist, I felt the need to visit the numerous attractions. This is partly because wherever I go, there is a constant traffic of both local people and tourists who are heading somewhere. Here in Atami however, I felt much more at ease with my surroundings. Perhaps it is because the local population is older, they seem to have taken on a much more relaxed attitude to life. This, together with the geographic location of Atami right by the sea, makes me feel at home and realize that there are more peaceful parts of this country waiting to be explored.


富士山を観察する新しい角度 A new angle to observe Mt Fuji


On the second day, I wanted to see Mt Fuji, so I took the bus to Ashinoko, a lake one hour away from Atami. Because I was not expecting to see it, Mt Fuji surprised me by making its appearance as we were descending. The view from afar is quite mysterious: the bottom of the mountain was buried under the clouds, making it seem as if the mountain is floating in thin air. After I arrived, the colorful Torii by the lake also made a lovely contrast with the mountain.


一人で楽しむ伝統的な夕食 Enjoying the solitude of a traditional dinner


When I was having dinner on the second night, I was sitting alone in a tatami room. I did not take notice at first, but slowly I realized there is a background sound that accompanied me. I tried to listen carefully and tell whether it was the sound of the sea, or that of the wind, but in the end, it seemed to have been a mixture of both. I then also became aware of the sound of me eating and moving the dishes. At that moment, I felt calm and peaceful.


来宮神社の見知らぬ男性 Stranger at Kinomiya Shrine


I went to the Kinomiya shrine on the first day. It has one of the oldest and largest trees I have seen. I saw plenty of people who sent their prayers in front of the shrine and the tree, but I found this man looking into the stream for a long time, as if he is sending his prayers by the okusu tree. He seemed to be a local who frequently visits, as he did not take pictures of the tree like the rest of us, and blended in quite well with the surroundings. I did not want to disturb him, but I wonder what was on his mind. Through observing the various facets of local life, I have also began to appreciate the value of slowing it down and self-assessment.


IMG_6816私にとって唯一困ったことと言えば、公共施設に英語での案内板やサービスが欠けていることでした。東京駅はチケットの引き換え所が多数点在する巨大な駅なので、JR EAST PASSを手に入れるのにはとても苦労しました。外国からの旅行者にとって、日本の列車のシステムをすぐに理解することは殆ど不可能だということを知っていてもらいたいです。

The only thing that bothered me was the lack of English signs and service in public facilities. I got my JR EAST PASS from Tokyo station, and since it is a huge station with many ticket exchange booths, I was quite overwhelmed. For travelers from foreign countries, immediately understanding the train system in Japan is almost impossible, so I hope the staff could understand that.



テレコムスクエアが用意してくれたTelecom Wifiを利用することができました。今回の旅行で、熱海と箱根、その後、富山、金沢、そして京都に行きましたが、その全ての旅行先で素晴らしく機能してくれました。10時間以上長持ちしてくれましたので、出回っている間に接続できないという心配をする必要がありませんでした。

I was able to use the Telecom Wifi provided by Telecom Square. On this trip, I went to Atami, Hakone, (and later to) Toyama, Kanazawa and Kyoto, and it worked fantastically in all of these places. It lasts for more than 10 hours, so I did not have to worry about being disconnected while on the go.

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