100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本の平穏な一面 The Peaceful side of Japan



The Japan that I thought I knew is bustling and boisterous. Through Nikko, I have come to learn of another side of Japan. One that is peaceful, calm and surrounded by nature. Being able to walk for miles and miles along rivers and through valleys in absolute tranquility is an indescribable feeling. The peacefulness calms your soul, the quietness stills your mind. I love the lively streets of Tokyo, the city that seemingly never sleeps. But now, I’ve fallen in love with the tranquility and nature of Nikko as well. On my first day in Nikko, I trekked along a river that ran through the town, and in the midst of the endless terrain of mountains and lush greenery of late spring, time seemed to stand still.


日光東照宮を探訪 Exploring the shrines of Nikko


Being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, making a trip down to see the Tōshō-gū shrines of Nikko is a definite must. It was an incredible experience, exploring the shrines in the area, and in doing so, learning more about Japanese history and culture, specifically about Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was the founder of the Tokugawa shogunate. With its lavish decorations and intricate carvings, it comes as no surprise that the Tōshō-gū shrines are considered to be National Treasures in Japan.Hiking in the area was good fun as well. Came across Undameshi no Torii during the hike, where it is believed that if you can throw three stones through the hole in the middle, your wish will be granted. Gave it a go, but no such luck this time. Also, mother nature, as always, didn’t disappoint. Even though spring is coming to an end, and Sakura season is long over, some flowers were late bloomers and were kind enough to blossom for me.


長く歩くだけの価値があるハイキング A long walk worth taking


IMG_8575One experience that I will remember for life, would be hiking around Lake Chuzenji to get to Ryūzu Falls. It was well past mid-day when I started the hike from Kegon Falls, and it was a 11-12km walk in total to get to Ryūzu Falls and then back. About 5km into the walk, I was almost ready to give up and turn back. I enjoy long distance running back at home, but the walking trail was challenging. There were some parts with no proper foot paths, and also, Lake Chuzenji is 1,269m above sea level and having stayed in low-lying Singapore my whole life, I was not used to the difference in air pressure at higher altitudes. But you are young only once, and this was a chance not to be wasted. With that in mind, I pressed on.

そして、大いにその甲斐がありました。これまでで最も景色のきれいなハイキングのひとつになりました。眺めはとても魅力的でした: 湖が陽の光の下で輝き、山並みが背後に連なり、透き通るような青い空にそびえ立っていました。時に小舟が通り過ぎ、懸命に魚を捕まえようと、釣り人が冷たい水の中を腰の深さまで浸かって立っていました。少し進むごとに、私は写真を撮るためにカメラをサッと取り出し、その写真どれもが絵葉書のように美しいものでした。帰り道は陽が沈み始め、さらに息をのむような光景でした。沈みゆく太陽はすべてを金色に染め、その瞬間、この場所が秋にどれほど壮大な景色となるかを思い浮かべることができました。

IMG_8333And I was greatly rewarded.It was one of the most scenic walks I have ever taken. The view was stunning: the lake glistened under the sunlight, the mountain range in the background stood bold against the clear blue sky, the occasional boat would sail past, and there were fishermen standing waist-deep in the cold water working hard to catch fish. After every few steps I would whip out my camera to take a photograph, and every photograph taken was postcard worthy. The journey back was even more breathtaking, as the sun had started to set. The setting sun bathed everything in gold, and in that moment, I could picture how magnificent the place would look in autumn.


常に私とともに Always with me

IMG_7147界 川治での2日目は、早朝散策をするために早起きをしました。当初の予定では、朝のうちに五十里ダムまで散策をする予定でしたが、途中で道を間違ってしまい、川治湯元駅に辿り着いてしまいました。陽の光が素晴らしかったので、駅の隣にある公園の写真を撮ろうとカメラの準備をしました。岡村さんが遠くにいるのに初めは気づき、彼は自転車でやって来て駅のところで止め、その後公園の清掃を始めました。日本の有名な漫画キャラクターがかわいく描かれた公園の石の写真を撮るのに夢中になっていると、岡村さんが私のところへやって来て、それらの石に関する裏話を教えてくれました。彼が言うには、それらの石は川治湯元町に住む子供たちがすべて手書きで描いたもので、公園をきれいにしておくために、しばしば朝にやって来るとのことでした。この公園は彼の自慢であり、楽しみであることを感じることができ、彼の真心は私を笑顔にしてくれました。彼の話を聞いていて、時が経つのを忘れ、あやうくホテルの朝食時間に間に合わなくなりそうでした。そうして私たちは別れの言葉を告げ、さよならをしましたが、彼と話をした時間はずっと大切に心に残るでしょう。

I woke up early on my second day at Kai Kawaji to go for an early morning walk. Originally, I had planned to take a stroll to Ikari Dam in the morning, but took a wrong turn along the way and ended up at Kawaji-Yumoto Train Station. The sunlight was amazing, so I set up my camera to take some photos of the park next to the train station. I first noticed Okamura-san from afar, as he rode his bicycle and parked it at the station, before he started to tidy up the park. While I was busy taking photographs of some stones in the park that were cutely painted with famous Japanese cartoon characters, Okamura-san came up to me and told me the story behind them. He said they were all hand-painted by the children living in Kawaji-Yumoto town and that he comes over often in the mornings to keep the park tidy. I could sense that this park was his pride and joy, and his sincerity put a smile on my face. Listening to his stories, I lost track of time, and was almost late for breakfast back at the hotel. So we said our goodbyes and parted ways, but the time spent talking with him I will keep close to me forever.

IMG_7139それから、界 川治での最初の夕食の時に出会ったタカガキさんに感謝しなければなりません。彼女は私の日本語会話の上達のために、忍耐強く私とのざっくばらんな会話に付き合ってくれました。彼女との話や、彼女の体験談を聞くことはたいへん楽しいものでした。その翌日、幸運にもホテルでのコーヒー豆ひきでガイドしてもらい、彼女にお付き合いいただいたおかげで、大いに楽しむことができました。

Also, I need to give a shout-out to Takagaki-san who I met during dinner on my first night at Kai Kawaji, and who was so patient as to oblige me with casual conversation in my bid to improve my Japanese speaking. I had so much fun talking to her, and listening to her share her experiences. The day after, I had the good fortune of having her guide me through coffee-grinding at the hotel, and I enjoyed myself immensely all thanks to her company.


Another person who I am very grateful to have met is Sato-san. During dinner time at the hotel, I’m pestered her endlessly with my many questions and I’m sure my sub-standard Japanese must have been painful to listen to. Never-the-less, she indulged me in my chatter and answered my questions as much as she could. Even going out of her way to help me research potential places for hiking after finding out that I enjoy it.


If you are reading this, Takagaki-san and Sato-san, thank you so much for all your help! And I’m very glad to have met you both!



Most people’s initial concern would be with regards to the language barrier. However, no matter the difference in languages, I do sincerely find that communicating with the local Japanese people was not a big problem. With my broken Japanese, and their basic command of English, they were able to understand me fairly well, and painstakingly did their best to help me out with my requests each and every single time.


Overall, I enjoyed my time spent in Nikko tremendously, but if I had to choose, my biggest gripe would be the infrequency of the public transport in the areas further away from the city center. Certain trains and buses only come by once an hour, so all travelling plans have to made well in advance if waiting time is to be minimized. This problem is probably unique to the more rural, less populated areas of Japan, because in the more urban city centers, public transportation has always been exceedingly convenient.



Excited beyond words on my first ride on the famed Shinkansen of Japan. My expectations were high, because I have heard many good things about the efficiency and advanced technology of the high-speed railway lines of Japan. And of course, it didn’t disappoint. With not only high speed, but high standards of safety and comfort, there is nothing much anyone could ask for when it comes to transportation.

IMG_6948テレコムスクエアのTelecom Wifiも、旅行を大変活用できました。外出先のインターネット・アクセスに関して、つながらなかったり、接続が切れる心配はまったくありませんでした。

Telecom Wifi from Telecom Square, Inc. also made travelling extremely convenient. With internet access on-the-go, there was never the worry of getting lost, or missing a stop.

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