100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本についての別の視点 The other perspective of Japan

P5150027私は、この100 TRIP STORIESで日本に旅行してから、日本について私のイメージが変わりました。私の日本に対する印象は、高度な技術と速いペースの生活ライフスタイルでした。

My image of Japan has changed since i travelled to Japan for this 100 Trip Stories Japan project. I had an impression of Japan of being advanced technology, fast pace living lifestyle. However, my trip to Okinawa has proved that my impression of Japan is not 100% accurate. My Okinawa trip has shown me that Japan could be at slow pace, relaxing and Japanese people are not just about working but also spending quality time with family and friends.
I am very impressed that Japanese people are busy work schedule, but they are able to arrange their schedule and time to enjoy themselves with their family and friends!
Also, Japan can be as advance and compact as Tokyo but it can also be as country-side and full of greenary as Okinawa.
I really respect the Japandse people for their caring of the mother nature. This makes Japan a very unique country.


これまでに最高に素晴らしい体験、西表島。 Greatest experience ever-Iriomotejima


I live in the city of Kuala Lumpur. I could hardly see any beach and greenary as the city is filled tall buldings and cars. Me, who do not swim have challenged myself to participate Kayaking, Snorkeling, jungle tracking etc at Iriomotejima. This was my first time to have such kind of experiences! I am thankful to Arai-san for the activities and guidance. I could not make it without his patience and guidance. It was a wonderful and memorable experiences.


専門的で優れたサービス - 星のや 竹富島 Professional and excellent service- Hoshinoya Taketomi

P5140974事件は星のや 竹富島で起こりました。朝食を楽しく半分ほど食べている間、私はアクティビティの時間が近づいていることをすっかり忘れていました。私が朝食を断念しなくてはならないとショックを受けていたところ、なんとスタッフは先にアクティビティに行ったあと、あとで続きの朝食を食べに戻ってくるように言ってくれました。また私の美味しい朝食を食べられるという、その柔軟性に私はとても感謝しました。さて、アクティビティから戻った後、わたしは残りの食事が出てくることを期待していました。ところが、残りではなく新しい食事が出てきました。私は、柔軟性と順応されたサービスにとても感銘を受けました。ありがとうございます!

This incident happened to me at Hoshinoya Taketomi. While i was enjoying my breakfast halfway leisurely, I was totally not aware of the time of avtivity were approaching.I was in shock and the staff suggested me to go for the activity and come back for the breakfast later. I was very grateful for the flexibility at which i could still enjoy my delicious breakfast. After i came back from the activity, i expected my left over food was served but newly cooked food was served instead. I am very impressed by the flexibility and accommodative service. Thank you!


情熱とスキル The passion and skill


It was my great pleasure to attend the traditonal handcraft workshop with Shousuke Sensei. Shousuke Sensei is born in Taketomi, Okinawa and since then he has been staying at Taketomi Okinawa. My first impression of him was his punctuality. He arrived earlier and was well prepared when the workshop started. He was very patience in teaching me. He is very skillful in making the seat.It is no easy comes to handcraft. I could felt my finger pain when i finished half of the handcraft!His passion towards his works reminded me of how people gave up easily towards their dream and passion.
A lesson learned-keep your passion and never give up no matter what happen.


MYXJ_20150515132216_saveテレコムスクエアのTelecom Wifi、ありがとう!Wifiサービスは素晴らしかったです。私はすべての日、接続を維持することができました。

Thank you Telecom Wifi! The wifi service was excellent. I could stay connected all the days.

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