100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


日本は近代的な部分と伝統的な部分の独特な組み合わせによってユニークな文化を生み出しています。 Japan's blend of modernity and tradition creates a unique identity

0102「絶対に訪れるべきアジアの国」と思っていましたが、日本は確かにその私の期待に応えてくれました。日本の社会が目覚しい進歩を遂げ、今のような秩序正しく、平和で安全、清潔な生活環境を作り上げたことに尊敬の念を覚えます。 特に、現代的なものと伝統的な部分が同居している様がすばらしいと思います。 寺、神社、温泉、懐石料理が、どこまでも続くビル群、ホテルチェーン、新幹線といったもののど真ん中に存在しているといったように。

04Japan has definitely lived up to being “one of the must-visit countries in Asia”. I admire how their society has progressed by leaps and bounds, creating such a livable environment that is orderly, peaceful, safe and clean. I especially like how modern and traditional influences co-exist – temples, shrines, hot springs and Kaiseki amidst sprawling high rise buildings and hotel chains connected by bullet trains.



また、地元の人々が外国人に対してとても親切で友好的に接してくれることを個人的に経験し、人々の厚いもてなしと寛容さに心が温かくなりました。 そして皆さん、自分たちの文化や、各地の新鮮で高品質な農産物にとても誇りを持っています。 日本には、本当にたくさんの美しい町、人々、観光名物があります。観光産業もとても発達していて、何度でも訪れたくなる国です。

I have also personally experienced how friendly and kind the locals are towards foreigners and it warms my heart to know that they are so welcoming and accepting. They are also extremely proud of their culture or fresh quality produce from their respective regions. Japan has so many beautiful cities, people and attractions. Together with its developed tourism industry, I definitely see myself coming back over and over.


驚くことばかり Surprises after surprises

0605日本滞在初日に、台風に見舞われてしまいました。夕食をとりながら自分の不運を嘆いていると、ウェイトレスの方が「日本へようこそ」といって色とりどりのフルーツの盛り合わせをサービスしてくれました。 この親切な行為で、私の憂鬱な気分は一気に晴れました。

My first day in Japan was typhoon-ridden. As I dwell on my misfortune over dinner, a waitress served me a colourful fruit platter with the words “Welcome to Japan”. This sweet gesture took away the blues immediately.


The very next morning, one of the hotel staff went the extra mile again by personally driving me to the train station to catch my train. Not forgetting my day trip to Kamikochi that was definitely worth the travel. The majestic alps surrounded by luscious shades of greenary and crystal clear waters was truly postcard worthy.


「会席料理」は、まるで天にも登るような気持ちにさせてくれました。 Kaiseki, a heavenly experience


10I was bowled over by every Kaiseki meal that I had. The skills and techniques involved in the preparation left me deeply impressed as every course was a balance of taste, texture and colours. Truthfully, my mouth still waters when I think of all that fresh seasonal ingredients artistically arranged in exquisite crockery. The Japanese’s dedication in bringing only the best to the table means that I will never think of Japan without its Kaiseki again. Their food culture and emphasis on healthy living is clearly reflected through this art form and this makes me a happy foodie!


旅先で出会った若くて明るい女性 A young, cheery lady from Shizuoka

12界 松本へ到着した私を出迎えてくれて、丁寧に部屋まで案内してくれたのはアヤカさんと言う女性でした。偶然にも、彼女が私のディナーのもてなし役でもありましたので、もっと良く彼女について知る機会が与えられました。
さらに、英語で忍耐強く、(多くの) 食事のコースの説明をしようと努力してくれました。

Ayaka greeted me upon my arrival at KAI Matsumoto and gracefully showed me to my room. Coincidentally, she was also my hostess for dinner hence allowing me the chance to know her better. What really took me by surprise was her handing me an English printout on Kamikochi at dinner when she learnt that I was heading there the next day during my check-in! This was customer service at its best. Additionally, Ayaka even tried her best to describe the (many) meal courses in English patiently. This young lady from Nagano definitely heightened my experience with her bubbly personality and attentiveness.



Long traveling times between cities was a little upsetting for the mildly-hyperactive-me but I guess it is inevitable for a big country like Japan. The lack of frequent trains and buses to attractions in the outskirts could also be daunting for the lazy traveller as much planning is required to ensure sufficient time for visit. For the hardworking ones, you will realize that you need more time in Japan than you think you actually do! On the bright side, Japan has a reliable transportation system that is well connected for every type of traveller. It would also be nice if there were more English descriptions for local specialties, products and souvenirs sold in tourist attractions or city stores. I would really love to bring more of Japan back home. Friends and family always love a treat!



Me and my trusty companion with the Yatsugatake Southern alps in the background

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