100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


親切な日本人 Kind Japanese


I often see Japan from dramas, TV shows or news and the one I see in real life is particularly the same as what I have seen in television. However, experiencing it personally is much more captivating.


What surprises me are Japan is a lot greener than I thought and the size of the houses are smaller than I thought with the shape and color that are quite similar from one another.


Also, I always told that Japanese are particularly polite but what I experience is they are not just polite but very helpful as well. When I need to ask someone about something mostly they will explain it thoroughly until I understand.


私の荷物が他の都市に行ってしまった。 My Baggage Went To Another City


The most memorable incident is when my luggage was mistakenly delivered to Osaka while I landed in Tokyo. ^^;


I put all of my clothes, undergarments, and chargers inside the luggage. Luckily, there is a shopping mall at Odawara station, which is on the way from Tokyo to Hakone. Also, Hoshino Resorts provides Yukata in each room, so I have something to wear before my luggage delivered three days later.


Staffs at Hoshino Resort were very kind to assist me to contact the airport to ensure I receive my luggage. The airport staffs were very helpful as well.


初めて富士山を見たとき The First Time I Saw Mount Fuji


When I plan the trip, I searched that the good place to see Mt. Fuji from Hakone is from Owakudani. However the site was close due to increasing of volcanic activities.
Other thing that I want to do in Hakone is cruising the boat on Lake Ashi. But when I arrived at Odawara, the Tourist Information Center told me that the lake probably will be close on the day I’m intending to visit due to typhoon. Luckily, the the sun shined brightly the day I went to Lake Ashi, and there, I saw Mt. Fuji for the first time.


サイさん Sai-san

04日本での旅行中、私は多くの優しい人に出会いました。手荷物受取所のスタッフは親切でしたし、大阪から箱根行きのバスでは素敵な中村夫妻に出会い、3人で一緒に界 箱根を探しました。

I met a lot of kind people during my trip to Japan, the baggage claim officers were nice, I also meet the lovely Nakamura couple from Osaka in the bus to KAI Hakone. Later, the three of us searched for KAI Hakone together.

そして、界 箱根でお勤めになっているサイさんのことにも触れておきたいと思います。界 箱根滞在の最終日に私と参加者の一人が、箱根を観光した後に荷物を取りに来れるよう、荷物を受け付けに残して早めのチェックアウトをしました。その日の午後に荷物を取りにホテルに帰った際に、帰宅するところであったサイさんにホテルの前で出会いました。サイさんは私たちの荷物を取りに行くだけのためにホテルまで戻ってきて、小田原駅まで車で送ってくださいました。本当にありがとうございます、サイさん

But I also want to note Sai-san who works at KAI Hakone. On the last day of staying in KAI Hakone, me and one of the participant checked out early but leaving our bags in the receptionist to be picked up later after sight seeing around Hakone. Later in the afternoon, we returned to the Hotel to pick up the bags, and met Sai-san in front of the hotel when he’s about to go home. He returned to the hotel just to take our bags and even drove us to Odawara Station. Thank you so much, Sai-san.



One of the challenge during this traveling is of course language.
Mostly it can be handled especially using signs and maps if dealing with people.
The signs at the stations, buses and trains are also quite clear. Plus if you have internet connection, google map can help you find the way.


However, if coming to Museum mostly the language provided in the brochures and the information boards is only in Japanese.
I think it would be better if Museum and other tourist facilities to have bi/multilingual information, so that non-Japanese could also understand the history behind the items placed in the Museum also other information they required during their visit in Japan.


07熱海アカオハーブ&ローズガーデンにてTelecom Wifiを使ってインターネットで情報検索中

Seeking information via internet at Herb and Rose Garden, Atami with Telecom Wifi


Waiting before the Narita Express’s Departure

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