100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


私がかつて思っていたとおりではなく Not As Different As I Once Thought

01 02 はい、私の印象は日本を旅行してから確かに変わりました。というのも、日本人は実に一生懸命働きますが、休日になると、彼らも私たちオーストラリア人や他の人々と正に同じように、野外でビール等を飲み、活発な活動を楽しんでおり、こうすることにより、元気回復、或は息抜きをしていることが分かりました。

Yes, my image has certainly changed since travelling in Japan. Even though Japanese people do work hard, long hours as I previously thought. When it comes time to unwind oe relax on holidays, I have noticed they are just like my fellow Australians or anyone else for that matter, who loves the outdoors, a beer or few, and living an active lifestyle.


In my experiences, such as the kayaking tour depicted, I have noticed that Japanese locals are very inquisitive of foreigners even with the basic English level of some, it never stoped them asking me where I was from, or what my name was.


突然のショックな目覚め A Rude Awakening

05沖縄県の西表島 (いりおもてじま) という南の島を旅行中、最初の晩に、私の旅の中で忘れることのできない一件が起こりました。朝、波の砕ける音で目覚めたいと思い、バルコニーの扉を半開きにしておいたのです。ところがなんと、そこから小さなトカゲがどうにかしてよじ登ったらしく、気が付くと天井から私を見つめていました。これにより私は突然不快に目が覚めました。翌日、『ジャングルを歩こう』という題名のハイキングに行ったときには全てを忘れましたが。

07One memorable incident of my trip was on my first night staying on the tropical island of Iriomote in the Okinawan Province. I left my balcony door ajar with the plan to wake to the sounds of crashing waves in the morning, however unfortunate, was rudely awoken by a small lizard who managed to climb in and sat, staring at me from the ceiling above. All was forgiven as we kissed and made up the next day on a hike in the Jungle of Wo Arukou.


将来のトイレ! Toilets from the Future!


One memorable experience where I thought “wow, this is so Japan” was when using the toilet. With my lack of knowledge of Kana, I had no choice but to experiment with the buttons down the right side ‘control panel’ and hope for the best.

個人的な話はこのくらいにしておき、私は日本のトイレは( 私たちのトイレより)衛生的であり且つ効率的であることが分かりました。私が故郷に戻ってから真っ先にすることの一つは、自分用にどこでそれを入手できるのかをグーグルで検索することです。

Without going into too much personal detail, I found Japanese toilets more hygienic and efficient, and one of the first things I will do when i’m back home is to google where to purchase one myself!


地元のガイド Local Guide


On one of my tours to see the waterfalls of Iriomote Island I was fortunate enough to be assigned the guide Arai, a local born Okinawian 30 years of age. Although he originally proclaimed his English was poor, as the day progressed, he became more and more social and this is where I noticed his passion for the environment and the preservation of the ecosystem that lies around the island. I have some notable memories of him filling up a small puddle of water that was home to a school of tad-pols so they would have a better chance of surviving, and his small pocket book with all the local wildlife we saw that day – a truely remarkable guide!


12表現することがやや困難なのですが、オーストラリアと日本との違いで私が苦手としていたことは寝床でした。日本の人々またはアジア人は一般的に、かなり堅い敷布団 (マットレス) を好み、また枕については、私が故郷で使い慣れているものよりずっと薄手のものが好きであることが分かりました。

It is hard to say much, but one difference between Australia and Japan that I disliked were the beds. I have noticed Japanese people, or asian people in general, like their matresses quite firm and also the pillows were thinner than what I am use to back home. As I usually sleep on my side, I found it took some time getting use to as my first week I was quite restless in bed and woke up a few times with pins and needles in my arm from numbness. This is just my personal preference and even though I’m aware many locals would argue it is better for your posture I still prefer a softer bed for my delicate self . Apart from that, there was nothing else I can fault with my stay in Japan.



A selfie just before I take my flight from Kansai Airport and landing in Okinawa.

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