100 TRIP STORIES by Hoshino Resort

募集サイトはこちら ※ご応募は海外国籍の方のみです。


家にいるような感じです。 A Feeling of Home


I grew up being very exposed to the Japanese culture through childhood animations and cartoons, so I had a very general understanding of the culture. Since traveling to Japan, it has been so magical to see all of what I have learned first hand. My image of Japan has not really changed; it has only blossomed into a new form. The people I have met here are so kind to me, and the preservation of nature and of the surroundings is incredible. I have never felt more like home. It has been incredibly powerful for me to be in Japan.


伝統を継承する生活 Living Through the Traditions


My most memorable experiences would be when I felt like I was reliving Japanese tradtions. Like wearing a yukata for the first time, or going to an onsen, and even eating an Eki-Ben on the Shinkansen! It is all very natural for the Japanese people. It is a very powerful moment when you live through everything you have imagined and have looked forward to for so long! The experience is like no other and is very special.


森と海が印象に残りました。 The Forest and the Sea


An experience from the trip that will stick with me most would be feeling the sea breeze in Atami. Japan is much hotter than Toronto, where I come from. Especially when the sun is out, it can really beat down on you. But because Atami is by the sea, whenever I walk down the street, I can feel the sea breeze cooling me in between the buildings.


Like Atami, Hakone is nothing like I had experienced before. The train pulls in, and suddenly you are surrounded by a towering wall of forest! It really took my breath away.


ナオヤさんの有機農産物ショップ Naoya-San's Organic shop


During a sunny day in beautiful Atami, I decided to explore the streets on foot. There I came upon a lovely shop selling organic vegetables and produce. I asked the owner if he would recommend anything as a souvenir, and he was incredibly helpful despite our language barrier! He even spoke a little bit of English which was a pleasant surprise! Naoya-San’s shop was very tasteful, and he was very patient in helping me pick what I needed. And was also kind enough to let me take his photo!


I find that many Japanese people will go out of their way to help you despite not knowing how to speak your language. So I hope that by my next visit to Japan, I will also be able to speak a bit of Japanese to show my appreciation for their generosity and hard work!



There isn’t much that I disliked about the trip. Everything is so new and exciting for me. The only thing would be the loneliness in traveling out of the city by yourself. I missed my friends, and think of places in Hakone to be a wonderful place to visit and explore with friends and family. I often found that it was difficult for me to venture off the beaten path, as there was no one that I could turn to should anything go wrong. But there is much to see even near the stations.



I love Japan, and so much more! It is home to me, and a place that I feel like I belong to and can endlessly explore.

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